BURNING Immediately upon compl. of Motion WHY?

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BURNING Immediately upon compl. of Motion WHY?

Postby Guest » 28 Apr 2007, 12:04

I apologize if these questions are repetitive or seem so, it seems to hurt so much that i cannot remember what I've asked and what has been answered.
The motion itself did not hurt but got a severe burning sensation immediately upon the completion of same. Soaked in tub for 10 or so minutes and that passed. One hour and 45 minutes later discomfort :(spasming I think) , two hours after bm discomfort had risen to pain alternating beween modeerate to a lot also feels like ants or something crawling around in my anal canal. took a valium at 10:30, applied diltiazem rt after bm 2 hours ago and took 3 advill 2hours after bm(just a few minutes ago)
Any thoughts on what is going on would be greatly appreciated!

Re: BURNING Immediately upon compl. of Motion WHY?

Postby Guest » 28 Apr 2007, 12:48

How did last night go? Did the 4 advil help?
I am a little concerned that this is so consuming for you and how can it not be when you are at the mercy of your butt? I am wondering how you are feeling about the surgery? Do you feel like you are making some progress over the last few weeks still and do you think you can keep going at this rate?
It is a slow healing process. It took 4 months for me to heal from the fissure and that was with 3 baths a day and cream 3-4 times a day. Not everyone can devote that much time to healing. I just hear so much despair in your posts that I am wondering if maybe you ought to get the surgery. At least talk to you doctor on Wed.
This will not last forever-just keep telling yourself that. I had to tell myself that and I had to have my husband keep reminding me because there were times I thought I would go crazy if I thought this was going to last the rest of my life!!!
You're gonna make it!

Re: BURNING Immediately upon compl. of Motion WHY?

Postby Guest » 28 Apr 2007, 13:37

I waited until 11:30 last night to take another valium , 4 advil and soaked in the tub for 30 -40 minutes . Pain let up I got out applied the diltiazem and went to bed.
slept like a log. I awoke this am at 10:15 my tongue felt like sand paper , so i must have breathed through my mouth all night and never woke enough to close my mouth or anything. It did not hurt just very dry.
It is seeming to consume my life. I took off work this week or at least did not schedule any appt.
On Tues I went in for about 2-2.5 hours I was hurting a fair bit during some of that time but tolerated it and it got better.
Wed. I went in I was hurting when I got there and an hour after being there crawling on the floor to try and get away from the lpain I called my wife and got her to come get me because I did not think i could drive home. An hr. after I got home the lpain passed and the rest of the eve. was okay.
Thurs I tried to make a meeting at 4pm I drove about 5 of the 12 miles to the office and could not continue , I had to stop in a church parking lot and walk around the truck to relieve the pain. Turned around and came home. Hurt a lot until about 7 pm then it passed for the evening.
Friday , as you know was a real booger. Today has been painful since 1:30 it is now 3:30
I am going to explain to the surgeon on JWed that I cannot work without relief from these spasms. If surgery will provede that relief and thereby give my life back I will sharpen the knives for him.
I don't feel like I am getting any relief from the diltiazem I have taken it for 15 days now 2x or more and I still have excruciating spasms daily for several hours ( they may be getting worse in fact)
I don't know Lets all keep praying for each other. Amen

Re: BURNING Immediately upon compl. of Motion WHY?

Postby Guest » 28 Apr 2007, 13:42

Yes, let's keep each other in prayer.
I think the surgery part from what I have heard from the others here is nothing compared to what you are going through now. Most people noticed a relief from the spasming immediately. Maybe ask the Lord which way he wants you to go and he will guide you in the best decision.

Re: BURNING Immediately upon compl. of Motion WHY?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 28 Apr 2007, 14:00

You are really hurting, and you're life is being thrown down a well here! I know, mine was too!
The burning directly after a BM was almost always due to a mushy or even fluid BM. The pain from that would subside after 5-10 minutes. Others on the board report the same burning after a loose BM.
Driving is KILLER on the fissure and WILL induce spasms sometimes. On my job, I am expected to drive from time to time and I dreaded it. I knew it would potentially wreck any good day I might be having.
Have you asked yourself how long you are going to be able to live with this?
You're in my prayers, too, MB!
Deleted User 5

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