LIS: General or local anesthesia?

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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 07 Apr 2010, 09:57

also...after I woke up from general i was surprisingly alert...everyone was telling me about how i would say all this crazy stuff, but i didn't :( It was kind of a let down really.
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby cherylk » 07 Apr 2010, 10:28

A flex sig is really not surgery; it is a procedure!! BTW I was awake during blepheraplasty on my eyes which was kind of nerve wracking!!
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 07 Apr 2010, 11:03

I meant being awake during the LIS. And YIKES!
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 07 Apr 2010, 11:23

Steve, did they give you any painkillers or sedatives during the flex sig?
According to my doc, he gave 5x the usual amount of painkillers and sedatives during my colonoscopy and still had to abort it 1/3 of the way through (he only got up to the top of the sigmoid colon) because I could feel the scope passing through and was yelling at him to stop.
Brit, I was told the same thing the two times I was given sedatives. Supposedly Versed, the most commonly used sedative for various procedures, makes some people say weird things and act strangely, but all I noticed is that it made it hard to remember things. If you search the Web for Versed you'll find all sorts of horror stories from people think it's the worst thing ever though Image
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby StevePain » 07 Apr 2010, 12:30

NG, they didn't give or offer me any kind of pain relief, I was told it's the way they do it, I was petrified to start with and when the pain started during the actual procedure I was panic stricken so they had to stop, don't think I could go through that ever again, awake anyway!
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 07 Apr 2010, 15:05

Wow dude that sounds terrible Steve. I've never had a flex sig but it seems like the kind of thing they should at least give you some painkillers and sedatives for. I had a rectal exam when my fissure was really bad and had conscious sedation for even that, which isn't nearly as invasive as a flex sig.
Just got back from my CRS consult and I'm going to go through with LIS. No sentinel pile removal or fissurectomy, just LIS. The available dates right now are April 15th or May 3rd onward. My son's surgery is having some nasty complications so I'm probably skipping April 15th and looking at scheduling for either May 3rd or May 10th. Guess I'll celebrate my fissure's 1-year anniversary with LIS!
I told the CRS my colonoscopy horror story and she was actually very understanding. Looks like I'm getting Propofol for the procedure. I've never had it before, but as I understand it, it is much stronger than Fentanyl and Versed, and is basically a mild-to-moderate duty general anesthetic. They have a license anesthesiologist on hand to "bring me back" if needed because Propofol can cause respiratory problems (it's the stuff that Michael Jackson died from). For post-op I'm getting Vicodin, actually already got the prescription for it.
In the meantime I've got a fresh bottle of diltiazem to tide me over until then... I recall that you have an upcoming appointment (April 19th I think?), so hopefully you get some resolution there. I'm hopeful that this will finally end my fissure saga.
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby cherylk » 07 Apr 2010, 17:23

I think you are making a wise decision from what I have read hear on the board about LIS. Sounds like you have everthing in order except the date!
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 07 Apr 2010, 22:26

I hope so Cheryl Image Today was a relatively good fissure day so it was hard to pull the trigger, but I've had enough false hope, so I went ahead and scheduled LIS for May 3rd! I can still back out if anything changes, but I'm pretty set on it at this point :)
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby cherylk » 07 Apr 2010, 22:37

I think we all have misgivings/doubts about any decisions of that sort, especially right b/4 it happens!!
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Re: LIS: General or local anesthesia?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 07 Apr 2010, 22:59

LOL yes, I'm pretty sure that the day right before LIS my fissure is going to be feel 100% non-existent haha!
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