New Sufferer

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New Sufferer

Postby Geoff_M » 06 Aug 2011, 06:40

Hello, I have recently been diagnosed with an AF. Problem started mid June when I had a brutal bowel movement which I am fairly sure caused a tear, there was a lot of blood on the toilet paper and possibly on the stool as well. Next day my motion wasn't anywhere near as bad, a bit of blood, but felt much better. I then more or less forgot about it until the same thing a week later. Similar pattern i.e. relatively quiet BMs with one further bad episode in-between until two weeks ago when I had yet another really hard BM. This time lots of blood, in the toilet water, on the back of the bowl and on the paper. At this stage I knew I had a fairly serious problem and so started looking on the internet and the symptoms of an anal fissure seemed to fit.
For that week I had a serious dietary change, started drinking lots of water and eating foods with lots of fibre. But last Friday I had another bleed, not as bad as the others, but still there. I went to see my GP who diagnosed the AF. He did a fairly extensive examination (not much fun in that!) including deeper inside my rectum and prostate and diagnosed that it was a fissure and there didn't seem to be anything more sinister. He prescribed 2% Diltiazem ointment and recommended stool softeners (prune juice, Lactulose or Movicol) - I opted for prune juice. The Diltiazem ointment took a few days to get, I have been using it since Tuesday. It does make my anus feel a bit weird, it kind of swells a bit for a few hours after applying, but no other effects that I have read about such as headache, itching or bleeding as yet. In terms of motions I am usually a once a day man, first thing in the morning. That's my history, apologies for the rambling post but I thought I would try and get most of the details in there!
All the best, Geoff
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Re: New Sufferer

Postby of all the places to hurt » 06 Aug 2011, 06:49

Watch this space Geoff, as they're are so many kind folk on here who will give u all the advice and tell u of their experiences! You are not alone!! I am 5 months in now and everyday is different. For me it's all trial and error. I too am using that same cream and have no problems. I have used others and they weren't for me cos of the headaches etc.. I have had a sigmoidoscopy and am due to have another scope soon - colonoscopy. My CRS wants to give me botox injections too. Keep reading around this brilliant forum and u will learn alot!
Best of luck Geoff and wishing u pain free days!!! :D
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Re: New Sufferer

Postby Geoff_M » 06 Aug 2011, 06:56

Hello Andrea, thanks for your reply and good wishes and of course best wishes to you. Have you been using the Diltiazem long term ? I wonder how long you need to use it for ? Also I wonder about the requirement to keep the tube in the fridge...
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Re: New Sufferer

Postby of all the places to hurt » 06 Aug 2011, 07:18

Hi Geoff, I have had my fissures since end of january. My GP (who is not exactly sympathetic) 1st gave me lactulose and anusol!! It wud of been more use on my dogs backside lol than it helped me!! I then got given rectogesic which alot of people on here like. I, on the other hand couldn't stand the headaches that came with it so after 2 weeks ditched that. My Colon Rectal Surgeon (CRS) after doing sigmoidoscopy ( under a general thankfully,) found 2 fissures and multiple internal piles! I have always suffered with constipation since I was a kid! The Anoheal (diltiazem) is helping me alot and I dare not leave it out of the fridge! It might stop the cream reacting?? I wouldn't take the chance. But I know its a real pain in the a.. to keep it in fridge!
The key thing I have found is diet and water. I had managed my condition really well for the last 4 weeks but since my exam last friday I am back to square one and even worse...i am constipated now!! Oh I am terrified of going the loo next time! The general advice is over 2L water, lots of fibre in your diet, stay away from the nuts what goes in has to come out! Stool softeners and of course our prescribed creams. I have posted earlier today about constipation so u might want to take alook on the portal for any comments I get which will help?
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Re: New Sufferer

Postby Geoff_M » 06 Aug 2011, 08:29

Will take a look at your constipation thread and I am sorry to hear that you are not doing so well at the moment.
I have to hold my hands up and say that I have probably caused this problem myself by drinking too much alcohol and not enough other fluids, especially at the weekend. I have another issue with having a weak bladder, so if I drink too much water (or any liquid) I am forever going for a pee. Historically I haven't had much of an issue with constipation, more the other way if anything. I can only remember being constipated a couple of times when I was a child and only once in my adult life and these didn't turn out to be serious. It just seems over the last couple of months my stools have been harder and drier on occasion and that has done for me. The frequency of BMs hasn't changed...
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Re: New Sufferer

Postby val » 06 Aug 2011, 08:38

Hi Geoff, welcome.....sorry you're suffering!
I find the same if I drink lots of water, in fact the only time I ever wake up thirsty is when I've drunk a ton of water! Crazy!
There's absolutely loads of info here, you've come to the right place so that you dont have to suffer alone.
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Re: New Sufferer

Postby Geoff_M » 06 Aug 2011, 10:02

Hi Val, thanks for your reply. I have read quite a few of the threads now. I'm glad to be able to have access to the info on here, I just wish I had looked two months ago when this started!!
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Re: New Sufferer

Postby Sue27uk » 16 Aug 2011, 07:31

Hi Geoff, just wanted to say you are not alone! I hope you are doing ok. I also wish I had found this forum earlier, well that I had been diagnosed earlier as this may have been going on for nearly 5 months. Thankfully it seems to be settling, and going to a private consultation has been reassuring. He recommended botox, but I'm waiting to see what the NHS say in a month. Keep hope! :D
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