OMG I hate this AF.....

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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby happyass » 05 Nov 2007, 06:05

i think we should have an anal fissure dating web site!
find your 'other' pain in the ass forever......
would be the tag line!
or it could be
two hearts beat as one....two souls love as one.....two anal fissures bleed together...........find your mate today!
:+_: :pooh: :puppy:
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 11:01

Fissulyna wrote:What is strange is also that whenever I have to get my period I reinjure my fissure : ( no matter what I try to do - my BM starts to harden and the whole rectum becomes extra sensitive and soft due to hormonal changes that even semi - soft poop becomes trouble. I injured my fissure 3 times so far like that and my period is coming this week and I already have changes going on and I AM FREAKING OUT _ booooooo-hoooooo. I took double dose of mineral oil , little magnesia yesterday - no help in site :
Does anybody notice this happening before period ???

Yep that is when I reinjured my self almost no fail. I would have a two week stint of healing, then the period which would set me back a week. So there was a catch up week of healing, two weeks of healing and then the period during which I reinjured myself. It sucked. The botox broke that cycle for me.
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 11:11

Oh and as for sex....since the muscles are so conntected down there (i.e. like with the period), for me anyway, sex tended to relax the whole area. So my vote is that this fissure business might be best viewed as an opportunity to take control. You just have to insist on the positions that will help you avoid getting hurt.
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby val » 05 Nov 2007, 13:06

While we're on this sort of subject(men close your eyes!) is it ok to use tampons? I'm going away at the weekend and want to go swimming and I feel miserable and crampy, so I just KNOW it will arrive while I'm away! I was going to ask , but its soooo embarrassing, but seeing as you're on the subject...
Oh, and my fissure gets so much worse at that time of month, the whole area is just cramped and sore and feels like my insides are going to fall out!
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 13:12

I think it is fine to use tampons!
Have a great weekend away!!! :D

Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby val » 05 Nov 2007, 13:17

Thank- you!!
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 13:21

yep. tampons should be fine.
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 17:18

Val, I don't use tampons but they should be ok. Have a great weekend.

Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 19:05

I don't feel any extra pain inserting tampon - it is just that my F has anterior position (that means toward "V" part, wink wink, know what I mean ; ), so I just don't want to put any extra pressure there - because my fissure is RIGHT THERE :( ...Yes, was that 1o% of "lucky" ones that got it in THAT position, and another 10% of unlucky that is not healing :(...Oh, well... :arwen: :linus:
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby juney » 05 Nov 2007, 21:00

finally someone brought up sex! i've been going crazy wondering how all you gals deal with our AF and your relationship at the same time, but was too shy to ask. my fissure has wrecked HAVOC on my sex life. i NEVER feel like having sex b/c i'm so worried it'll hurt the fissure. i laughed reading lecia's "make sure the aim is right" post. once the aim wasn't right and i cried for almost an hour from the pain!! sighhh. :( luckily my boyfriend is very understanding...
and fissulyna, my fissure is in the same spot (the bottom part of the anus closest to my genitals). even more reason for me to not want to have sex, although tampons have never been a problem. but just like you i'm an unlucky one...i've also had lots of trouble with healing so i feel your pain!
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