Anoheal in the UK

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Anoheal in the UK

Postby Guest » 04 Nov 2007, 14:35

Ive read abouth theis cream thats avaliable in the uk for treating AF. is anyone here using it? does it work and have any side effects? what exactly is it and how does it work? does it have to be perscribed by a gp or a specialist/surgeon? if you got it from a specialist, how did you get to see one? and last of all did you have to pay for it and was it expensive? cheers

Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby Guest » 04 Nov 2007, 16:47

I know Val uses it. If for some reason she isn't by soon, you might hit PM next to her name on the profile and send her a private message too.
I think she mail orders it.

Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby Bliss » 05 Nov 2007, 10:15

I don't know about Anoheal but my GP prescribed me 4mg/g glyceryl trinitrate brand name Rectogesic. I got it on prescription usual charge.
It says headaches affect 1 in 10 people but I've not had one at all, although it does make me feel a bit lightheaded for about 15mins after using.
I've been taking it for 11 days and have seen some improvement, I did have 2 visible AFs both now cannot be seen externally, the last 7 days my BMs have been pain free & no bleeding but I've still got a permanent spasm that is OK when in standing up but not comfortable when I sit down.
I'm using Fybogel isophagula husk as a fibre supplement, one sachet morning & evening.
If you ask your GP for this they should prescribe it - might be worth trying in case you are also headache free !
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Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby val » 05 Nov 2007, 13:56

Anoheal is brilliant stuff, with no side effects, but its not easily obtained. If you ask your doctor for it, he'll give you a prescription, but most of the chemists, even the main ones like Boots, say they can't get it. I eventually found one that special orders it in for me, but that can take up to 3 weeks, although its usually quicker than that. So I don't run out, I ask my doctor for 2 tubes at a time, then put a repeat prescription in long before I need it. My doctor told me at first it wasn't available in the UK, but I insisted and he now prescribes it for me. If you have to pay for prescriptions (Idon't because I have a thyroid condition) then its the usual charge.
Good luck! Its worth the fight to get it, its changed my life for the better, I dont know what I would have done without it - and everyone on here of course!!
Lecia told me about valium as well, which I take every night. That too, has made a huge difference.
Kind regards, Val
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Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby happyass » 05 Nov 2007, 14:35

valium are the adults' version of m&m's :snoopys:
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Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 15:22

I used to care, but now I take a pill for that!!!

Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 16:26

hi, thanx 4 the replys. so these creams, what exactly do they do? just relax the muscle or help the skin to grow? because im not sure i need something to relax my muscle because i dont get spasms and pain. i just want to stop the bleeding and tearing feeling i get with bm. so maybe they wont even perscribe it to me. maybe ive just had this cut so long that its beyond healing, maybe i could get a skin graft, even to its tiny. have the creams stopped the bleeding and healed the cut? do you have to carry on using them even if your healed? soz 4 all the questions

Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby buttgirl » 05 Nov 2007, 16:39

mybodyhatesme wrote:hwhat exactly do they do? just relax the muscle or help the skin to grow? maybe i could get a skin graft, even to its tiny. have the creams stopped the bleeding and healed the cut? do you have to carry on using them even if your healed? soz 4 all the questions

the GTN draws blood to the area and in that way assists healing as well.

usually drs do not do advancement flaps. i kinda wish they did, but they reserve it for people with things like crohns.

I would continue using the creams for a month or so after I think I am healed adn stay on the AF diet for at least 6 mos after.
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Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby val » 06 Nov 2007, 15:44

My CRS over here in the UK said that if the LIS didn't work, they could put in a flap of skin over it. I didn't really know what he meant, and I'm squeamish and didn't want to know anyway, so I didn't ask him to explain, but it sounds like the same thing.
The anohealreally helped, even when the bleeding lessened, and I got really bad bleeding at first. Along with the pain it was the one thing that freaked me out the most , it really scared me, especially when I was given lactolose by the doctor and it made me go to the loo 17 times in one day, each time with major blood! I'm so glad I'm past that stage now, but I remember it so clearly, and feel so sorry for anyone still in that situation.
And yes, you're right valium is GREAT!!!
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Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby Guest » 06 Nov 2007, 17:04

that skin flap thing sounds interesting, maybe i could get that and skip the anus cutting! yes the blood is the thing that really bothers me, its just so wrong to bleed there. one time i actually bled while bathing the area. how did u get to see a surgeon? did you have to get refered by your gp? did you have to pay for it? id just really like to see an expert of fissures, someone whos seen and knows it all not gp who just wants to get me out the door.

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