Anoheal in the UK

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Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 19:22

The "flap" is often done if F does not want to heal. It is done regardless of presence of Crohn - it is just that it is EXTRA cutting there and that area is best treated with as little trauma as possible. Sometimes "Flap" is done without LIS. Now that we are talking about creams too - how you guys use them. I was instructed to use them outside (perianal area), but I read that some people use it inside ?!?
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Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby val » 07 Nov 2007, 13:36

I asked my doctor to refer me to a private hospital- the Nuffield, because I have had 2 very traumatic experiences with our NHS system, but you can be refferred on the NHS by the doctor, and I don't think it takes too long to wait .My appointment costЈ120, but I have a health insurance that pays 75% of it, so it wasn't too bad. Although he was a "specialist", he told me a load of rubbish. He said if it didn't heal in 6 weeks, it would never heal, and after the operation, I would be totally healed in 3 days. Ye right!!
Fissulyna, I use the cream outside and just rub it in and it has worked perfectly. I would be too squeamish to put it inside as I am a big baby, and I can't do things like that. I don't like blood or needles, or anything medical really! I even fainted when my daughter had a head injury that was bleeding! I'm not much good in emergencies!!!
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Re: Anoheal in the UK

Postby Guest » 07 Nov 2007, 13:46

wow, i think il need to save up to see a surgeon. maybe il ask for it for christmas! i think im gettin better though, no pain or bleeding with bm for 3 days, but the tear is still there. that specialist you saw sounds like he was talking rubbish. i just dont trust doctors, they either give u stuff u dont need coz they want your money or say your fine wen your not. in my experience anyway

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