OMG I hate this AF.....

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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 22:08

Juney, my sister in pain :(, what can we do - bad ju-ju I guess. Maybe we should find a good shaman and get rid of this torturous thing ! At least we will find some hunk to dance around the fire ( heh heh), and who knows , maybe he will brew some 'shrooms" for us and make us want to chase our "starved" lovers ; ) !?
Now, since you obviously are more courageous than me and tried to have some fun
, can you please tell me if it hurt (beside one wrong aim ; ) - I mean who could blame the guy , he was probably so worried that you might change your mind that he wouldn't know the difference between you and the pillow, not to mention those two oh so close orifices . Anybody else with anterior fissure here???
Thanks for sharing gals - only here we can feel safe to talk about everything :).
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby val » 06 Nov 2007, 02:17

its a good thing we all seem to have understanding husbands/partners. I've only attempted "it" twice in the past 5 months, it didn't hurt at the time, although it put me off because I thought it was going to! My poor husband is terrified of hurting me so he's given up!! :( I suppose we all know we have solid relationships!! What is an anterior fissure?mine is in kind of 7 or 8 o clock position, although in the last couple of days, I've had pain in the 3 o clock position. I really hope its not another one! :(
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby Guest » 06 Nov 2007, 08:02

It is nice to finally talk about it. I was so shy when I first joined and there weren't as many people or gals to talk about it with so I never asked.

One of my doctors recommended using lidocaine on the area before sex. I haven't tried that but it makes sense. That way you won't be so guarded and nervous about that area. Or we could put a big bandage over the area as a gatekeeper to keep any slippage damage from happening.

OMgoodness-I can't believe what I am saying here. Good thing there is an edit button if i need it.

But things do get better-I had no interest for months-but every few weeks or so I actually do! Image

Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 12:44

Dear Lecia, I don't think you will need "edit" button ; ), we are just talking about normal physiological and psychological aspects about dealing with this awful condition. Yesterday , while in my Chinese doctor's medicine office I saw an octagon diagram with important aspects for healthy body - NONE of them I have any more : good sleep and relaxation , good sex life, good nutrition, exercise, emotional stability, ...I forgot the others (bummer), but I looked at it and wondered how am I still alive ???? Sex is VERY important part of everybody's life.
It gives as Qi ; ))) ! Life energy which is in my case totally bocked and my tongue is swollen - bad, bad... she sad. Hey, maybe I am not alive ; ) ????
VAL, anterior position of the F is when it is on the era toward the genitals. It is the case in only 10% of fissures. Most are located toward spine. Also, I was sure that mine was on the right side of anal area because I hrt there until real anoscopy was done and she saw it in the middle of anterior position !!! It is strange how those nerves down there are all jumbled up and can deceive us of where the actual pain s comming from!!!!
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby juney » 07 Nov 2007, 10:48

fissulyna, there was no pain from sex except when it "slipped" and hit the fissure. other than that, i was more worried than anything. i tense up because i'm worried it will hurt, and that makes me more sensitive to ever little pain. once i relax and just go with it, i find myself not thinking so much about the fissure Image it really helps to have someone who knows what's going on and can be extra careful and gentle.
i've been with my boyfriend for 14 months, as long as i've been dealing with this dreaded thing. i only told him about it in march when it became obvious i had to see a specialist. until then i just lived with it in silence, and it was horrible!! it's much better being able to talk to him about what i'm dealing with, and he's amazingly supportive, although daily "poo/butt" talk doesn't do much for romanticism. i swear nothing will ever make me squemish again! haha
i wonder why it is that so few people get the anterior fissure like you and i have, fissulyna. i can actually SEE mine so i've always known where it was....although lately i haven't wanted to look. i keep crossing my fingers the one day i actually look, i won't see it! i think that's why it's having so much trouble healing, because i'm sitting directly on it. sigh, who knows?
and fissulyna, I FEEL FOR YOU and know exactly what you're going thru. it is so hard to have a normal, happy, and healthy life w/ a fissure :( but of course you're still alive, you have all of us!
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Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby Guest » 07 Nov 2007, 12:03

Hmmm. When my fissure was really bad, sex was difficult but I just made sure there was lots of lubrication to prevent any chafing. Sorry if that grosses anyone out. I would go crazy without regular sex and so would my husband... when things were really bad down there, sex was the only way to connect positively with my body and get a good surge of endorphins. Now it's not too bad anymore but I'm still very careful not to injure the area by mistake.

Re: OMG I hate this AF.....

Postby Fissulyna » 14 Nov 2007, 21:57

Thanks everybody for participating in this "sensitive" topic ! I appreciate it a lot.
I completely understand you G, regarding reconnecting and endorphins !!!! Maybe one of those days I will be brave enough ; )..
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