diltiazem question

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diltiazem question

Postby val » 21 Nov 2007, 13:42

I'm only using the diltiazem once a day, because if I use it twice or more, thats when it starts to itch like crazy. Is it enough to use it only once, or is it best to live with the itching and use it twice?Will it hinder the healing if used less often?
thanks! Image
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Re: diltiazem question

Postby Guest » 21 Nov 2007, 14:02

I think any amount of time that you have cream on is good even if it is just once a day. That gives your sphincter that time to at least relax.

Are you taking valium still?

Re: diltiazem question

Postby val » 22 Nov 2007, 10:32

I stopped taking the valium, in fact, looking back, I've stopped doing a lot of the things I used to, like the wheatgerm oil. I even stopped taking the omega 3 oils for some reason. I really wish I had just stuck to it all now!
Still, we live and learn, I suppose!!
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Re: diltiazem question

Postby Guest » 22 Nov 2007, 10:41

You can always start today again!

Re: diltiazem question

Postby Deleted User 5 » 22 Nov 2007, 12:55

That's funny. The nefedipine never made me itch, I sometimes used it three times a day. I wonder if you have a healing itch instead, Val?
Deleted User 5

Re: diltiazem question

Postby val » 23 Nov 2007, 05:28

I thought last week it was a healing itch, but then Fissulyna said she had read that diltizem makes the blood vessels expand and itch(something like that, I get it all wrong!!) but I did notice that the diltiazem was making it itch and it didn't when I didn't use it so often. Today though, I feel I've gone back in time about 2 months, I can't sit down, sore BMs, bleeding yesterday-the only thing I haven't got is the spasms(please God, not those again!!) so its definately not a healing itch now. Although it doesnt itch anyway now, so I'll be using diltiazem loadsa times a day! I HATE THIS FISSURE!!!
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Re: diltiazem question

Postby Deleted User 5 » 23 Nov 2007, 06:58

I hate your fissure too!! I hope you can use the diltiazem, though, because it does help. It can make a huge difference in you pain levels, though I am not sure about the pain during a BM.
Thankfully you aren't having spasms yet, and that may be a good sign that things haven't gotten too bad...
Deleted User 5

Re: diltiazem question

Postby val » 23 Nov 2007, 15:01

Thanks Kim!
Isn't it just so awful when you think you've got better and then this happens? Its like its trying to tell me not to forget its there! Its like some kind of demon! Did that happen to you too? How many setbacks did you have?
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Re: diltiazem question

Postby Guest » 23 Nov 2007, 16:18

I had a lot of setbacks, Val. Believe me, I can relate. It does have a way of reminding you it is there. But you know how to control it now and what works for you. I bet you will be doing better and back where you were in no time.

AF are seriously evil!!! Image

Re: diltiazem question

Postby val » 24 Nov 2007, 09:03

Thanks Lecia!
You always seem to put things back into perspective. I was feeling SO depressed these last couple of days and absoluteley cursing myself for eating badly the other day, but you all seem to have had the same problems and still healed. I kept wondering if I should consider the surgery because I thought I'd done it irreparable damage, but I really don't want to have the surgery.
So how are you now? I know you have other health problems, you're so brave to put up with all of it!! I've gone seriously miserable just because of the AF, yet there's loads of people much worse off than me, so I shall keep reminding myself of that!
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