Re-tear for the 5 time after a year WTF?

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Re-tear for the 5 time after a year WTF?

Postby MichaelJ » 03 Jul 2013, 07:49

Guys i dont know any more what to do, i got almost a year the fissure , i got always one month or even two months of pain free and no problems at all, but always after this time i got for absolutly i dont know what reason retear, i was now on dilitazem cream i was at the doctor last time he told me i got a 1mm fissure and today i got a harder stool and got blood and the fissure is back again , trough the year and the period i got painless i tried dairy free diet, gluten free diet, miralax diet, and every diet i got worked for the one -two months but always in twoi months i got hard BM, WTF is that?i really dont know what to do anymore it seems i cant cure it , no matter what i eat or do the BM always go hard in months and retear it again , guys im really desperate, im goin tommorow to see the doctor and im considering surgery what you think? i read at some success stories that you need to have like a year soft BM to fully cure the fissure also that the surgery got 30 procent chance of incontinence but right now i better be incontinent than living this nightmare , im really desperate guys totally and thx much for this forum
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Re: Re-tear for the 5 time after a year WTF?

Postby Savaici » 03 Jul 2013, 12:59

Hi MichaelJ,
Do read Davo's link from the NHS in the UK about incontinence numbers, at this link on the forum:
Also, these are the statistics from Wikipedia:
"Minor fecal incontinence and difficulty controlling flatulence are common side effects following surgery. Persistent minor fecal incontinence has been reported in 1.2% to 3.5% of patients; however, this does not appear to be significantly different to the rate of minor fecal incontinence experienced by patients treated with topical GTN."
Here is the Wikipedia link, with references for their percentages at the bottom of the page:
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Re: Re-tear for the 5 time after a year WTF?

Postby marg6043 » 03 Jul 2013, 13:48

MichaelJ so sorry to hear that you are having problems with the fissure re tear, something that most of us dread and think about all the time.
With your history of pain and problems I guess is time to take that next step as long as you are ready for it and willing to take the goods and bad that usually comes with any surgery.
For what I have read most people gets back to normal from the fecal incontinence after a while as the sphincter gets stronger.
And as with any other surgery is always that chance, but when nothing else works I guess is not too many choices, how about botox perhaps your doctor can try that first.
Now you know that if you have some problems with hard stools you will have to try for the rest of you life to keep them soft.
Something my doctor advised me after my fissure was healed naturally was not to ever let my stools get hard.
I hope you find the best choice for you and one that will make you happy.
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Re: Re-tear for the 5 time after a year WTF?

Postby MichaelJ » 04 Jul 2013, 03:57

Hello Guys first of all thank you so much for your support , im kinna a lonely guy without friends and family so i really apreciate your kind words, today i went to the doctor and i must say this doctor is a real proffesional and kindest doctor i ever met, i even can call him if i got some bad trouble and today i talk a lot with him about all possibilites , he told me that dilitiazem is still in a phase of studyin in most european countries and in next week its gonna be 8 weeks of cure and then i cant use it again so i talk to him whats next and next he told me i should try using dilatators 25 and 27 mm for like three months if this not work , but like i said here and to him is all about soft stool he told me that my fissure is healing very well even today after 4 days of hard BM he told me is 1-2 mm long and i should try to get really soft BM , but like i also said i dont know what to do for more soft stool , i try all types of diet im using lactulose osmotic laxatives and nothing wont soft , i just gonna hope thats gonna be soft and gonna heal, BTW he told me that in two years they make 3 surgery for fissure from hundreds of pacients :D, he himself told me that is only for very very bad fissures and is the final last solution, that really cheer me up, i just need to have soft BM and its gonna be okay , im gonna read gain all diet tips here and try to combine more, again thx for all your love guys :D
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Re: Re-tear for the 5 time after a year WTF?

Postby marg6043 » 04 Jul 2013, 08:08

MichaelJ, those are fantastic news, still have to work on getting the stools soft, I healed naturally after a year, but surgery was on the table during that time by my doctor.
But as I found out, fissures can heal on their own.
I hope everything goes well and your fissure be healed completely soon.Image 
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Re: Re-tear for the 5 time after a year WTF?

Postby Guest » 05 Jul 2013, 14:28

MichaelJ u say
two months but always in twoi months i got hard BM, WTF is that?i really dont know what to do anymore it seems i cant cure it

And that's exactly how I felt during my battles. Every few months it seemed no matter what, I'd get another fissure. It took me years to finally figure what diet would keep my fissures away.
What finally kept my stools soft. A process of elimination countered with a pro-active approach which included more water and exercise.
MichaelJ, keep trying to pinpoint what is causing your hard stools, you may want to keep eliminating foods one by one that you think may be the culprit. Especially after a hard BM think what you've eaten the last few meals then cut back on something.
Too often I know we sometimes would not think of giving up this or that, that we love to eat, but MichaelJ, we may have to do this in order to beat these fissures right.
Yes, you really want to be fissure sympton free for at least 1 year for re-tears not to come back so easily. It is possible MichaelJ, I was re-tearing for years and now I am on year 3 of no fissures or symptoms.
Next hard BM prelube (put inside anus opening) with some Petroleum jelly and don't push so hard, and this should really help avoid a re-tear. Also drink more fluids and step up your exercising as these two will really help keep stools soft.
I commend you on wanting to heal naturally, and it sounds as if you are determined. That's the attitude you need my friend...
Go get 'em MichaelJ !!!....

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