Pregnancy after LIS surgery?

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Pregnancy after LIS surgery?

Postby Amandanicole95 » 24 Nov 2018, 01:11

Hey all! I had my LIS surgery 3 months postpartum, in April of 2018. Since then everything has been awesome! I no longer have my AF. My question is, has any woman had vaginal deliveries after LIS surgery? My CRS tells me that I shouldn’t have a problem having a vaginal delivery next time i conceive but it worries me a little bit..
also, how was your pregnancy post LIS surgery? Thx!!
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Re: Pregnancy after LIS surgery?

Postby Paininthebutt2018 » 03 Dec 2018, 09:52

I'm so sorry you are in pain and especially during pregnancy. I was misdiagnosed a long time with hemorrhoids until I saw a specialist. Definitely get that done and if it is a fissure be sure to discuss with gyno. You don't want to get healed and then retear on vaginal delivery. In the meantime since you are limited on medication I can tell you what I do to have a soft BM. I have 2 prunes every night and have a BM within 15 minutes of waking that is soft serve ice cream consistency. Take at least 4 baths a day for 30 minutes each. In between times try ice pack between butt cheeks if you are burning and if the pain feels deep inside try a heating pad. Good luck.
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Re: Pregnancy after LIS surgery?

Postby Amandanicole95 » 03 Dec 2018, 11:31

Hey! I actually have already received the LIS surgery and not currently pregnant but will be trying for #2 soon. My post was asking for advice on women who have had the LIS surgery and then went on to get pregnant if they had to have a c-section or if they could have a vaginal delivery! No longer in pain but thanks for the reply!
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