Pressure or fissure or internal hemorrhoid?

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Pressure or fissure or internal hemorrhoid?

Postby Tryingtorelax » 11 Jun 2019, 14:25

I have anal fissures. Where one of my fissures is I had a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. That external hemorrhoid has settled down. But in that same spot I’m feeling pressure. It’s been very difficult for me to tell if I have emptied my bowels. Passing gas is strange too. I feel like there’s more in there! I am having pretty regular bowel movements aside from this (with fiber supplement, miralax, and stool softener). My question is could my fissure be causing me to feel like my bowels are not emptied? Those of you with fissures have you ever experienced this before? I am thinking too that it might be an internal hemorrhoid (that I can’t see) because there has been a lot of blood during bowel movements. I know bleeding like this can be caused by internal hemorrhoids and fissures. I know there are other things that cause this kind of pressure (sadly cancer) but I’m wondering who else has experienced this with fissures or hemorrhoids? I had a colonoscopy Jan 2019. At that time I only had one fissure and it was healing and a few internal hemorrhoids that were not causing issues. I am scheduled for an LIS on July 2nd. It can’t get here fast enough. I need relief from the pain, pressure, and worry.
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Re: Pressure or fissure or internal hemorrhoid?

Postby Jimoffy » 19 Jun 2019, 23:29

Hey I sound similar to u. I’m 25, always used to get hemmorhoids. One day I got a Hemorrhoid, went away after a week or so but where the hemorrhoid was turned into a sharp glass like pain. And pressure, which I assume is spasms. I’ve had colonoscopy and Botox recently which hasn’t really worked yet but just so u can relax, it’s probably just a fissure. I don’t know how Hemorrhoids cause them but I am exactly like you. Relax, take movicol stool softener, and but gtn cream. It all helps
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Re: Pressure or fissure or internal hemorrhoid?

Postby chachacha » 20 Jun 2019, 09:15

Either hems or a fissure could be the cause of the bleeding, and the sense of not fully voiding is not uncommon with hemorrhoids because they are filling up the space right at the bottom, not unlike more stool in the pipe. Did your surgeon not rule out cancer with the colonoscopy in January? July 2nd is just around the corner, so you can ask him/her to address your concerns then. You're in a very good place though, because most people who are worried, like you, have not had a colonoscopy so recently.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
Hemorrhoidectomy December, 2017
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Re: Pressure or fissure or internal hemorrhoid?

Postby Tryingtorelax » 20 Jun 2019, 10:30

Thank you both for responding! Actually I posted in my other thread, my surgery diary, that I moved the surgery up to the 18th. It was a fissure/ external hemorrhoid combined. Had LIS and hemorrhoidectomy. The colonoscopy in Jan came back with nothing but small internal hemorrhoids and a healing fissure. Of course since then I had developed 2 fissures and an external hem. Surgeon took care of all that on the 18th. I am just a worrywart about cancer. My brain always goes to worse case scenario. But now I’m on my way to recovery and healing, hopefully!
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