Question about colonoscopy and biopsies. Ouchhhh

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Question about colonoscopy and biopsies. Ouchhhh

Postby Jimoffy » 11 Nov 2017, 05:20

Hey guys. Been suffering with an anal fissure or 2 (it feels like) for 3 years now. I’m 24, make.

I saw a colorectal surgeon a couple months ago so he told me he wanted to do a colonoscopy. I thought it was a bad idea but he assured me I’ll be under anaesthetic and I wouldn’t feel a thing, although I was worried this will make my fissure worse.

Got the colonoscopy done, woke up feeling perfect like nothing ever happened, pain free. Felt woozy when I woke up, however the nurse was there with me, se said all good, you have a “healed” anal fissure. (Which was weird because I am in pain if I wasn’t takin movicol, and still got mild spasms sometimes after a soft bm, couldn’t see how it would be healed)

Got home, finally got to eat something when I noticed anal pain, which was gradually getting worse. Obviously as the anaesthetic wore off, the pain came. Been a week and a half now, have 5x more fissure pain than I’ve ever had, bleeding bright red with every Bowel movement, and the worst ripping pain when passing even the softest stools. I’m guessing the scope may have ripped it open on the way out?
Or did I unknowingly have a
biopsy done of it??
I didn’t see the surgeon after my colonoscopy, only the nurse who said your all good, also got a piece of paper that said “healed anal fissure diagnosis” and some other scribble I can’t even make out (lol!). So would a surgeon take a biopsy without my knowledge, I signed the paper that said they can, but I just don’t know why I’m so much worse
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