Question about healing

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Question about healing

Postby Ash1988 » 14 Dec 2017, 04:16

Hi everyone

I’ve posted on here before and have been dealing with anal fissures after childbirth for about 6 months!

I had one very painful fissure which appears to have healed. The 2nd fissure is still a little tender

I have been using GTN ointment for around 10 weeks. I feel like my fissures are “healed”. But I just wanted to ask some questions!

I haven’t seen any blood in around 4 weeks, and no longer have the feeling of glass every time I have a BM. However, it still stings/burns each time. Afterwards I have a heavy feeling which lasts for a lot of the day and the fissure site is still tender to touch.

Have I really healed or am I just kidding myself?
I wonder if the stress of having a BM is causing some of the problem as I am still terrified to go in case I tear again!

I’m worried about xmas as I travel back to my parents house and will have less control over what I eat.

I am still using lactulose each evening and rectogesic twice a day, so don’t really know if u can stop these?!

I just wanted to know if anyone has experienced this and for those who have healed did you ever feel 100% again?

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Re: Question about healing

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Dec 2017, 05:02

Hi Ash,
Fissures can leave the surrounding muscles still feeling tight or heavy as the nerves become hyper sensitive. If you are still getting a burning then I would continue with the GTN as it may be your not 100% healed, even if your 95% it can still me lol...also I can’t remember if your using a barrier cream before your BM as that should help with the burning as it will reduce the amount of residue that can get into the fissure.
In answer to your question I feel 100% normal as long as my crohns or IBS don’t flare if I just go once or twice a day then I can’t even tell I ever had a fissure. I can sit at the cinema and even sitting all day when I’m at uni is now just uncomfortable not painful. I go swimming go to the gym lift weights and do everything I did pre fissure.
Good luck
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Re: Question about healing

Postby Ash1988 » 15 Dec 2017, 03:52

Yeah I’m using Vaseline as a barrier cream but still stings!

To be honest I wonder if I’m now too tense to go for a BM as although I’m nowhere near as sore as at the start today it was quite sharp!

Thinknim always worried about it going back to the way it was! Feeling quite down really and can’t see an endpoint!

Thanks for the reply!
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