Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

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Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

Postby dexlex1 » 05 May 2012, 15:14

I had advancement flap surgery on Thursday and I am just after some advice and guidance.
I was in a lot of pain the day I came home from hospital, with soreness and pain. I have been given Tramadol for 4 days to help with the pain.
I haven't had a BM though and I don't know why? I usually take one Movicol a day which makes me regular every morning, but this hasnt worked and so I have upped it to two a day and also taking Lactulose with it, but still no BM (I usually go every day, been 3 days now) Bit worried that its going to cause my problems when I do?
But the main thing I wanted to ask was what peoples experience is of the healing process? I havent been told how manage the wound - I was given a haemorrhoid leaflet which doesnt really tell me much? My wound is worrying me because it has 2 large lumps either side of the stitches? I'm not sure if this is normal? I have seen one picture on google that shows quite a nice neat wound, but mine looks nothing like this mine is really swollen and has things that resemble piles (that weren't there before the operations) around it and I dont know if that's normal and all part of the healing process?
I will ring my doctor on Tuesday and ask them to take a look but because of bank holiday Im just worried things aren't as they should be and I am not doing anything about it?
Any advice welcomed
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Re: Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

Postby Mommakee » 23 Jul 2012, 12:05

My mother is has been struggling for a long time with her anal fissure, she has tried everything except surgery. We have now heard about the anal advancement flap surgery. How are you doing, do you reccommend it?
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Re: Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

Postby jr2 » 23 Jul 2012, 14:10

Hi dexlex,
The lack of bowel movement could be a combination of things. If you had to do any kind of fasting and/or cleaning out of your colon for your surgery that will have an impact. Also, the anesthesia slows down the colon as well. You may need to up the dose of Movicol for now to get things moving and to make sure things are as soft as possible when you do have that first BM.
I haven't had surgery so I can't advise on the healing process or much in the way of the care of the wound other than to keep it as clean as possible. It's hard to fathom that with any kind of surgery your surgeon wouldn't have given you aftercare instructions. I would definitely give them a call and ask questions about what you are to be doing and not doing to care for the area and about any additional advice if you are still constipated at that point.
Do you feel your pain is being managed well enough? Advancement flap surgery is quite a bit more involved than LIS, and you may need something to help you through it when you begin having BMs again. Of course, that puts you at risk for more constipation, but sometimes it's really needed to help with at least the first week or so.
Please keep us posted. Wishing you all the best for your recovery and for speedy healing.
Last edited by jr2 on 23 Jul 2012, 14:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

Postby jr2 » 23 Jul 2012, 14:14

oh, i missed it the first time around that you were given Tramadol for pain. This could also be contributing to the constipation.
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Re: Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

Postby dexlex1 » 24 Jul 2012, 01:17

Well its been 8 weeks and to be honest, it didn't work. I still have a fissure and even though the pain is now more bearable than it was, its still there.
My surgeon is now suggesting LIS and I just cant make that decision yet. I have had 5 days pain free on 2 separate occasions, so I am just hoping that that means things are looking up.
I personally wouldn't recommend the advancement flap surgery as I had a very rough time of it. It was a million times worse after surgery to the point on the day they released me I was crawling around on the floor in agony, so now i feel like I suffered for 6 weeks for nothing.
I just hope it heals soon. I have had enough of the rituals and the pain and the general nuisance it makes to your life.
I hope you all recover and heal soon.
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Re: Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

Postby aimonaali » 19 Aug 2013, 14:25

I'll write to this old topic since this surgery might be ahead for me some day. LIS didn't completely cure me from my fissure.
I'm wondering how could the advancement flap not cure the fissure? Don't they cut out the whole fissure and cover the "hole" with new skin? Sure you can have new fissures but I can't fattom how the original fissure could survive this operation...
Somebody enlight me please:)
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Re: Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

Postby suzyljank » 22 Aug 2013, 18:30

Hi, dexlex1. I'm so sorry your advancement flap surgery didn't help you. I had a double flap done at the end of april. I had severe anal stenosis and a fissure that just wouldn't heal even after LIS. I was scared to death when I knew what I needed but I had run out of options so I went ahead with the surgery. While it was very uncomfortable at times and recovery was a bit longer because I had two sides done. I'm glad I went through with it. I had a very good CRS and he kept me in the hospital for a few days to find the right combo of medication for pain. I used toradol the first few days and after that ibuprofen and norco only at bedtime. He also gave me valium for any spasming but I really didn't use much of that. The pain was about a 3 or 4 most of the time. My donor flaps were left open, that was the most painful part of the procedure, cleaning up after a bm was not great. Still I would recommend the surgery and I'm glad I had it done. My only advice to anyone needing this surgery is make sure you have a good CRS and have him explain the entire procedure, how long is the operation, what is the recovery time and how bad will the pain be. My doctor sat down with me and drew me diagrams of what he had to do, told me I would probably hate him for 8 weeks and then said after that I'd be glad I went ahead with it. He was right about all of it.
I was really careful with pain meds because of constipation but I had my first bm the day after surgery. A week after surgery I had to start anal dilation, I had so many stitches I thought this would be awful but although it was a bit uncomfortable it helped to keep the muscle stretched and that actually helped with pain too. To anyone needing flap surgery try not to be so scared. You're probably already in more pain than the surgery will cause. For me I feel this surgery saved my life. Suzy
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Re: Recovering from Advancement Flap surgery

Postby dent1 » 03 Sep 2013, 07:34

Hi I don't know if is the same thing but my procedure was called a VY endoanal advancement flap. I had a sort of v shaped defect of sutures to correct an anterior AF. It was a bit of a challenge as I was given lactulose after the procedure and not movicol. I ended up very constipated and having to have several enemas to get things moving. This caused one of the lines of sutures to burst open and had to heal as an open wound:( I am now 4 months post that op) 2 weeks ago I had another operation to  repair the rectal prolapse i had and tidy up the area where the stitiches burst and remove 2 sentinal tags. This surgery went much better as I was on movicol before the surgery and started on movicol again the morning after surgery. Interesting to find someone else who has had a flap procedure rather than LIS.
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