Recovery after surgery


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Recovery after surgery

Postby Sofie » 27 Aug 2017, 23:57

I'm actually from Belgium but I found this forum extremely helpful.
I'm 4 days post op from a fissurectomy with botox where the surgeon also removed some small hemmeroids.
The recovery is going well, the only problem I'm concerned about is that I can't stall a toilet visit, if I have to go I have to go immediately. Will this get better or is it a side effect from the botox? I'm just worried because my trip to work takes 1h each way and I also have to get my little girl to daycare. No toilets available on the way there/back.
Also just out of curiosity: when did you start up exercise again?
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Re: Recovery after surgery

Postby LMG » 28 Aug 2017, 00:19

Hi Sofie,
I'm 5 days post fissurectomy and 100 units of botox. It sounds like the botox has kicked in. I haven't had and toilet urgency as yet, but it's still early days. I don't feel like I will be back exercising any time soon. I'm still drained from the general anesthetic. Good luck with your recovery.
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Re: Recovery after surgery

Postby Sofie » 28 Aug 2017, 00:31

Thanks for your reply! Good luck as well :), let us all hope for great result in the long run ;).
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