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Postby girlinpain123 » 30 Apr 2023, 10:52

My CRS didnt want to do surgery because my recurrent fissures weren't severe enough and she said I should just control my constipation. Without miralax, the tip of my stool is hard, and I tend to tear fissures

Aside from miralax, are there any other recommendations on things that have worked for you? perhaps something more natural?

I just found out I am pregnant so this is adding to my stress:(

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Re: regularity

Postby patience_and_healing » 30 Apr 2023, 13:42

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I would try prunes to help in softening BMs. Also, I recently used Amerigel to heal a recurring fissure. Now I am about to handle most BMs which would normally cause tears. Something else to try is putting some water up there with a clean syringe to try and soften things.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
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Re: regularity

Postby Hazey123 » 01 May 2023, 02:10

Congrats Girlinpain! But frustrating to have fissures to deal with alongside your pregnancy. I also have prunes every morning with my breakfast. My CRS recommends two tablespoons of milled flaxseed mixed into oats or whatever you eat. I add some very high fibre bran sticks too to my breakfast (not All Bran the commercial version) but a health food alternative with a higher fibre content. I also drink prune juice (this works I think slightly better on me than actual prunes) and orange juice. Grapes and dates also help. Plenty of water. It’s so difficult keeping things soft. Each day is different!
AF following skin tag surgery Feb 2022
GTN ointment
sigmoidoscopy & EUA Sept 2022 no fissure found
2nd opinion Jan 2023 fissure diagnosed, diltiazem - allergic
recommended Botox Fissurectomy
3rd opinion - dilation 2x per day plus GTN ….
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