Relief for the pain please.


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Re: Relief for the pain please.

Postby Valiant62 » 27 Oct 2017, 05:36

Hi David.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, your suggestion is much appreciated.
As a matter of fact my GP did prescribe me neurontin, which i 'm not sure may be another name for gabapentin. Unfortunately it made no impression on the pain.
I will make a note of pregabalin, the more suggestion's i have for my GP the better.
It was mentioned in another reply to try tramadol which i asked my GP for. I've been taking it since monday and at first the side effect of feeling very sleepy was difficult to deal with, however that has passed somewhat. Tramadol doesn't take all the pain away but enough that i can carry on with my life.
Thank you again for your kind comments.
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