Scared, would like someone to talk to

28F, my fissure/hemorrhoid journey and now something new.... :(

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Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby Deleted User 7072 » 07 Feb 2019, 15:59

I'm a 28F, last year I had a fissure problem that lasted from November 2017-April/June 2018. My doctor prescribed a cream that helped greatly and solved up the fissure. I also have a few hemorrhoids, but they don't bother me too much. From June - present I lived a relatively normal life, except that occasionally its very itchy from the hemorrhoids.

Unfortunately, now I have developed some sort of growth near my anus... it is not coming from inside, its just near it (maybe a couple centimetres away) and protrudes off my skin like a little deflated balloon, maybe 2cm in length. I saw my doctor yesterday and she was unable to verify what it was. She thought it looked like it could be a skin tag, and even speculated a genital wart.

However today I had a bowel movement and after doing a sitz bath, I went to inspect the area and this little balloon had a bit of white on it. I touched it just slightly with a Q-TIP a yellow pus exploded out with two tiny hard little things that almost resemble chia seeds.

I've been doing reading on here and am super scared that this is an abscess. Do abscesses usually protrude off the skin? Or can skin tags fill with pus? I have an appointment with a specialist but it isn't for two months. I'm scared and don't know what to do. I don't have any pain in the area but I'm worried about what's going to happen... anyone ever experienced anything like this?
Deleted User 7072

Re: Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby Okaybum » 07 Feb 2019, 21:11

Sounds like a boil. Was it painful?
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Re: Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby patience_and_healing » 08 Feb 2019, 01:59

What's likely is that sebum collected under the skin and then resulted in a boil. If it keeps recurring then that would be something to worry about. For now it's good that it has drained. It'll take time to subside completely so until then don't poke at it further. If you start to get these in other spots I strongly recommend a dermatologist visit, in fact you can go see one if possible and they may be able to give you a quick kenalog shot to calm it down (assuming it's not an active infection).
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby Deleted User 7072 » 08 Feb 2019, 12:22

Okaybum wrote:Sounds like a boil. Was it painful?

It wasn't painful upon rupture, no. It more so took me by surprise because I didn't expect it to pop. And now that it has ruptured its shrunk slightly in size but remains looking quite angrily red. It's only slightly tender to the touch but doesn't bother me on a regular basis. I just had another BM and haven't been bothered by it yet... I wonder if it is a boil... thanks for your input!
Deleted User 7072

Re: Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby Deleted User 7072 » 08 Feb 2019, 12:24

patience_and_healing wrote:What's likely is that sebum collected under the skin and then resulted in a boil. If it keeps recurring then that would be something to worry about. For now it's good that it has drained. It'll take time to subside completely so until then don't poke at it further. If you start to get these in other spots I strongly recommend a dermatologist visit, in fact you can go see one if possible and they may be able to give you a quick kenalog shot to calm it down (assuming it's not an active infection).

I'll try not to irritate it, it did shrink in size slightly but still is pretty red and tender to the touch. Thank you for your input, much appreciated.
Deleted User 7072

Re: Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby Okaybum » 08 Feb 2019, 15:24

Apply some first aid ointment like neosporin to it. If it starts to get infamed then warm compresses in salty water will help
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Re: Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby patience_and_healing » 08 Feb 2019, 15:26

Yes, Neosporin should help as well. I had something very similar a couple of years ago and ended up having it excised because no doctor suggested going to see the dermatologist, so it was too late to fix it non-surgically.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby Youonedara01 » 28 Aug 2020, 00:47

Hi, how are you now? I have the same symptoms. On the skin tag there is a pus once it pop out, im relieved.
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Re: Scared, would like someone to talk to

Postby Deleted User 7072 » 28 Aug 2020, 04:00

Youonedara01 wrote:Hi, how are you now? I have the same symptoms. On the skin tag there is a pus once it pop out, im relieved.

Hi, I’m all better now. I saw a specialist who told me I did indeed have a fistula, but it was a very small one which was able to heal on its own after I continually took psyllium husk and drank a lot of water and did sitz baths. I no longer bleed and no longer have symptoms or pain. Hope you get better but try to get a specialist to look at it if you can to be sure!
Deleted User 7072

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