Search found 232 matches: Fistula

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from annoying fissure to Fistula!

I am scared to death about having this surgery but I am tired of suffering with the itchy,smelly, burning area associated with Fistulas! I want to do it early next year but I am not sure I can tolerate these symptoms for much longer. So sick of this crap! So thankful for this informative forum! Just...
by Les104
26 Sep 2012, 13:03
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: from annoying fissure to Fistula!
Replies: 15
Views: 3706

Recent Fistula Surgery- 2012-09-05 (Advice needed)

Good morning guys, my name is Zaheer, I'm frm Trinidad and Tobago. I'm 30. I recently did a Fistulomy on 2012-09-05, last Wednesday! I want to say thank you to the creator of this forum! I thought I was all alone before this! The surgery went 'smoothe' according to my Surgeon, he said he insterted a...
by ZeeZee
12 Sep 2012, 08:17
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Recent Fistula Surgery- 2012-09-05 (Advice needed)
Replies: 1
Views: 1417

Anal Fistula with Seton But No Known Diagnosis of Chron's

... However, after a few months and weekly follow ups I was not seeing a resolution. So, I started researching online, and thought I may have a fistula. So, I followed up with a CRS. He confirmed my thoughts almost immediately, and scheduled me for a fistulotomy. I had my fistulotomy on Friday, ...
by chuggs13
03 Sep 2012, 15:37
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Anal Fistula with Seton But No Known Diagnosis of Chron's
Replies: 4
Views: 2960

"Stretching" a healing fistula wound??

Hi, Has anyone recovering from Fistula surgery ever been advised to physically "stretch" the wound to assist in proper recovery? I've been reading older posts on here where this appears to have been a really important part of the healing ...
by Ever the Optimist
03 Sep 2012, 13:52
Forum: LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Topic: "Stretching" a healing fistula wound??
Replies: 2
Views: 1826


A very good description of surgery for a FISTULA which thought would be a good link for those worried about this:
by Savaici
01 Sep 2012, 09:55
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Replies: 0
Views: 1711

Scheduled my FISTULA SURGERY! - Anxiety to the max!

I've schedule my fistula surgery as I feel this is the only way to correct my re-opening wound. It feels like I understand the pain to come afterwards, but the whole process of waiting till surgery day is creating a lot of anxiety.
by owieher
09 Aug 2012, 17:20
Forum: LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Topic: Scheduled my FISTULA SURGERY! - Anxiety to the max!
Replies: 4
Views: 2388

Introducing myself... HS and Fistula

... it, he has worked with people with HS before. Went in for local anesthetic to have it removed and he realized it wasn't an HS cyst, it was an anal fistula! Hurrah! So aborted that surgery and re-scheduled for general anesthetic next month. I guess I'll update you post surgery on how that goes... ...
by surlypants
31 Jul 2012, 00:35
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Introducing myself... HS and Fistula
Replies: 1
Views: 1331

My Anal Fistula Story

My Anal Fistula Story When I started having problems I went to the internet for help. I am posting this info in the hopes that it may help someone to have a clearer understanding and more peace. On Feb. 17, 2012 I ate something ...
by ChrisB
24 Jul 2012, 13:16
Forum: FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?
Topic: My Anal Fistula Story
Replies: 16
Views: 20796


... you guessed it, a fissure. He immediately prescribed Nifedipine. The fissure healed (yeah!), although it healed incorrectly as a superficial fistula (not so yeah!). My CRS discovered the fistula while doing an examination under anesthesia (EUA). He recommended surgery to "deroof" the fistula ...
by thisfissurecankissmybutt
22 Jul 2012, 23:47
Forum: Fistula Success Stories
Replies: 115
Views: 42120

Do I have a fistula? How is surgery going to be like?

... another opening came about, but it was at my surgery location. I've looked through google and all that and the pictures between a fissure & fistula are kind of difficult to distinguish. What type of specialist should I see, and how is the diagnosis or determination going to be like? More ...
by owieher
16 Jul 2012, 22:10
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Do I have a fistula? How is surgery going to be like?
Replies: 28
Views: 6399

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