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Plant-Based with an AF

... to my pointer finger and gently massaging inside the anus. I bought a squatty potty for optimal BM positioning and even dowloaded a mindfulness meditation app to get my emotions and stress from this under control. I take 2 colace a day, along with 1 magnesium citrate supplement and 17mg of miralax. ...
by ksaco18
11 May 2020, 16:24
Forum: New to the forum? Introduce yourself here
Topic: Plant-Based with an AF
Replies: 15
Views: 4765

Re: Looking for support on pain management

... raise your feet on a block when you open your bowels so your knees are above your hips, keep going with your ointment (gtn/diltiazem etc) try meditation, take paracetamol an hour before a BM if you can. I found as my main fissure was at 12pm position the bowel movement would stretch that area ...
by Fissurefrustration
19 Oct 2019, 08:10
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Looking for support on pain management
Replies: 2
Views: 1179

Re: My Botox Diary

... I am happy to discuss in detail but maybe on a personal messaging basis. Also I use movicol and prune juice and try to fit in relaxation /meditation using an app on my phone, and just generally try not to become stressed it def affects my pain levels. Keep me posted on you!
by SueMac
26 Sep 2019, 03:06
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: My Botox Diary
Replies: 262
Views: 36482

Re: Thrombosed hemmerhoid

... a couple of months ago so thought it was all good down there. I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow but in the meantime am teying: -sitz baths 2x day -meditation -eating only "good" food, and not a lot of it - Stool softeners. -proctosedyl I wondered about other creams like bruising cream ...
by Flaneur
17 Aug 2019, 18:22
Forum: Hemorrhoids and Hemorrhoidectomy
Topic: Thrombosed hemmerhoid
Replies: 3
Views: 2011

Re: How did your fissure happen?

... what I've read/heard too. I just needed to hear it again (and to keep telling myself that over and over). I've started trying to have hypnosis/meditation on relaxing my body. Also, I've come to the conclusion I may be eating enough fiber and it's causing hard large stools with the supplement. ...
by Okaybum
12 Aug 2019, 15:47
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: How did your fissure happen?
Replies: 29
Views: 6497

Re: Botox Again

... me hard stools so how to we tackle the natural anxiety we have I've seen counsellors and psychologists I know the breathing techniques I've tried meditation now I'm thinking medication. On a good note I've had a few good days I'm taking one macrogol sachet and two coloxyl pills per day my bms ...
by missy moo
31 Jul 2019, 16:46
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Botox Again
Replies: 321
Views: 50341

Re: Botox Again

Well that's super true. Anxiety caused this stupid fissure. The last time I healed one, I did meditation. I've added in fibre supplement (Fybogel) and am going to drop down to 2 doses of movicol and 240mg coloxyl at night. Mag citrate cleared me out. I have diarrhea still ...
by Okaybum
23 Jul 2019, 22:40
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Botox Again
Replies: 321
Views: 50341

Re: "It's just a fissure, after all"

... various strategies that are on offer, from creams and ointments, stool softeners and Botox to pelvic floor physical therapy, dilatation, yoga and meditation. And the plan needs to be worked out with a CRS, GP or other health professional, people who are not always easily accessible or sympathetic.
by dmcff
08 Jul 2019, 02:21
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: "It's just a fissure, after all"
Replies: 5
Views: 1476

Re: Anal fissure long term complications warning

... leaving it be. I totally understand the depression and anxiety that develops because of this issue. It is hard but I am also coping better with meditation, reading and writing. It helps. Keep up the good work! Sending all of the healing vibes in the world!
by tightbutt5678
24 Jun 2019, 04:26
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Anal fissure long term complications warning
Replies: 2
Views: 1371

Anal fissure long term complications warning

... when I have seriously came close to just endeding this vicious cycle I can assure you which is not in my character.I have now begun a program of meditation and breathing exercises to attempt to relax my pelvic floor I have been told my recovery will be long it's early days and I have seen about ...
by Bolex
22 Jun 2019, 02:10
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Anal fissure long term complications warning
Replies: 2
Views: 1371

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