Second thoughts - LIS surgery

I'm having second thoughts, help!

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby Happykermit » 14 Apr 2017, 22:37

Hi everyone,

My CRS is willing to give me LIS next week. I'm tight, it's difficult to sit and walk. I take sitz bath for comfort, but the pain, most of the time, is throbbing. BM is hell.

The other day, I took a mirror, got a light and looked at the AF, and damn, I see a round, pimple-like thing, though it's flat. It's small, yet so annoying! I can't believe something as small as this is making me uncomfortable.

So, I'm having second-thoughts. School isn't over til the first week of June. If I undergo surgery next week, does it mean I won't be able to walk for a long time?

I know recovery is a case-to-case basis, but can you give me an idea on how "debilitating" Post-op LIS can be? Are you totally helpless? Do you squirt blood all over the place when you move?

I'm so afraid and fearful that I'm trading this small, skin-deep fissure for another wound caused by a knife. I am aware that most of the people here don't regret the LIS and that they feel much better afterwards, but I'm racing against time, and a scholarship is at stake. It'll cost me much if I lose it.

Thanks to those who'll answer.
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby patience_and_healing » 14 Apr 2017, 23:08

I haven't had this surgery, so I can't help too much sorry! But is there any provision in your scholarship for medical issues? That way even if you need to take a break from classes you'll still have the assistance available.
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby Happykermit » 15 Apr 2017, 18:04

Thanks patience, there's a provision for it, but I have to finish this sem first - and comply with the requirements, so that I can at least pass, then apply for leave next sem.
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby patience_and_healing » 15 Apr 2017, 18:07

But you still have to make it to June somehow. This is a really tough decision! Recovery from surgery is very variable. It also depends on whether you have any complications from the procedure (hopefully not!). Have they offered Botox as an option? That might give you some pain free time and get you through the semester.
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby Happykermit » 15 Apr 2017, 22:01

I made the decision to undergo surgery next week. Earlier today, I had a BM, and I almost fainted from the pain. It's so tight. I also bled. I'm still bleeding now. I can't postpone it any longer. Wish me luck. Thanks for the positivity, patience. I hope everything's well with you.
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby patience_and_healing » 16 Apr 2017, 00:32

I'm sure the surgery will give you a pain free life and I wish you a quick recovery! Thanks for the good wishes. :)
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby Mypoorbutt » 16 Apr 2017, 04:58

I had LIS and was able to go shopping the morning after the op....did I want too...not really, I was sore and achy but I have children so I had no choice. The first few days were very uncomfortable but I also have crohns and IBS lots of people on here have much easier recoveries as they have no underlying issues. IT had a pretty much pain free recovery.
At no point did I squirt blood or anything else.
I would say try and have the surgery on a Friday morning so you get the weekend to recover and if possible take a few days off and some half days. I went back to work the end of the second week but my IBS made that painful others have gone back to a normal life a few days after the op.
I'm sure you will be fine
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby paine » 16 Apr 2017, 06:52

good luck hk! hopefully you recover quickly
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby Happykermit » 16 Apr 2017, 09:06

Thanks everyone~ After an agonizing morning, the spasms have stopped. I can now sit down without much discomfort. Although I also scalded my dick while having a sitz bath this morning, and this is what bothers me now. Hehehe. Plus, thrush in the tush! I'd better get an antifungal cream tomorrow. :)
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Re: Second thoughts - LIS surgery

Postby Happykermit » 28 Apr 2017, 05:01

Hi everyone in this thread, just a quick update, I had LIS, today marks the 7th day of my surgery and it is a success. I was only sore for a couple of days. I even attended classes on the 5th day. Today, I walked around and went to the mall. It hurts a bit when I sit on a flat surface, but generally, BMs are good, AF is healed and the soreness comes from the incision site. I don't take painkillers, just, antibiotics, and I'm optimistic that I am on the road to healing. :) Thanks for all your support.
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