Sentinel pile and stool question

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Sentinel pile and stool question

Postby eklmaria » 08 Jun 2020, 16:06

About 3 months ago, I had slightly painful and bloody stool for a few days. I don't have bad pain during my bowel movements, but the pain is afterwords and is on and off all day, usually the worst in the middle of the night.
I believe my fissure was caused by loose stools. For the past year, I have had pretty loose stools. It comes out like soft serve, but when it goes in the water, it dissolves. Does anyone have tips on preventing it from dissolving? I tried eating more fibers to bulk it up, but that didn't help.
Ive also had a sentinel pile that formed BEFORE the painful and bloody my CRS thinks I had a painless fissure for a while. Im just wondering what would cause a painless fissure, and what triggered it from being painless to painful.
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