skin tag after flap

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skin tag after flap

Postby Deleted User 6624 » 12 Mar 2018, 17:25

Hi . I had LIS 3 weeks ago and the CRS created a flap around the fissure . Everything went well but now the flap is fairly large tag ;
I know its very early in the healing but will this flap get smaller? I was told to give it 3 months to see what will happen . If it doesn't shrink could I put an OTC tag remover on it or should I have it removed down the road by the CRS , I am a little done with pain there so I am reluctant . ThenI read it could be banded . ?? . I wonder if I will cause more trouble because the fissure is under the f;ap and not hurting .
I wasn't aware I was going to get this hemorrhoid size tag after the procedure . I had no bumps before and now this is pretty big .. The fissure pain is gone anyway so that's good . I had an open LIS so there is a small scar there too . that's healing good . All in all I am happy with the CRS but never expected the flap .

Anyone with thoughts . Thanks
Deleted User 6624

Re: skin tag after flap

Postby patience_and_healing » 06 Apr 2018, 11:52

I hope you are doing better since this post. Did you ask your doctor what the reason was for the flap?
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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Re: skin tag after flap

Postby Deleted User 6624 » 06 Apr 2018, 13:06

I am doing a little better . He said he does it this way and he calls it a flap . He cleans up the fissure and I guess pulls skin over it ??? I expected to hreal faster honestly the flap is shrinking a little . He said it would flatten out ??

Too late but he said he was going to clean up the fissure with the LIS but I had no clue I would get a flap ??
Deleted User 6624

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