small lump after LIS

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small lump after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 07 May 2014, 09:06

I posted the following question under my surgery thread but thought I'd probably get more answers if I posted as a separate topic:

"I have the little bump I've read so much about. How do you know if it's an infection or hemmie or something else? It just hurts (burns) and itches. No other symptoms like fever or anything. I was given an antibiotic during surgery and use a topical antibiotic my CRS gave me every night. I'd be surprised if it's an infection but it still worries me. My CRS assistant will be calling tomorrow so of course I'll ask her. Just wondering if anyone had any other advice.

Still can't sit for more than a few minutes and that's even on a pillow. I was so hoping to be one of the ones who bounces back so quick but it is what it is. "

BTW, I'm 9 days post-op.

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Re: small lump after LIS

Postby scared ann » 07 May 2014, 13:01

when I got infection from my LIS surgery I felt bump but the feelings were little bit sore achy and itches and when I lay or sit I can feel the soreness more.and the bump looks a little pinkish color and when you press it it sore and not trying trying to scare you but this is base on my experience.maybe your surgery is still swollen that's why you have bump.did you have a skin tag removed?try not worry...
Last edited by scared ann on 07 May 2014, 17:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: small lump after LIS

Postby Ever the Optimist » 07 May 2014, 13:39

In my experience of anal surgery (but not LIS) I ended up with internal and external hemmies every time, I was bruised and swollen! - I think this is a pretty common side effect. The hems were sore/ tender/ painful and lasted a good couple of weeks before they started to calm down (if not longer)...
It sounds to me like it's all normal stuff and hopefully your CRS will reassure you of that. If this is the case, this will calm down with time. Good luck and hope you get some positive feedback! :)
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Re: small lump after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 07 May 2014, 14:03

Thanks! Still waiting on the CRS office to call back.
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Re: small lump after LIS

Postby Roidsfizzman » 09 May 2014, 12:53

Hi Sotiredofthis,

Can you give me an update how you are doing? How is the sitting going? Any improvement with the lump area?

I get a little pain durning BM and I am getting some burning that is new when the stool passes the fissure site. I am fine with sitting as long as I do not sit too long. I am no longer getting the pus discharge. I am getting a small amount of blood with some stools. The swelling is reducing which is making it easier to sit.
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Re: small lump after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 09 May 2014, 16:00

Hi Roidsfizzman,

My CRS said not to worry about it as I'm not very far out from surgery and the area is still swollen. She said the lump is normal and not to resume normal activities for another 2 weeks. I don't have any pus discharge and it's not hot or red. My sitting is a little better today. Yesterday I had blood on my BM and this achy feeling that subsided when I took a sitz bath. I didn't have any blood today on bm and the pain has been much less today. Those darn stitches are irritating as well!

How far out from surgery are you? I'm glad your swelling is coming down. That's definite improvement.

I think this all just takes lots of time for some of us. I'm just going to try to take this one day/week at a time. Still looking for that light at the end of the tunnel that's right around that healing corner everyone seems to turn at some point.
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Re: small lump after LIS

Postby Jbl22424 » 26 May 2014, 22:41

I think I've got this lump, too! I'm almost a week post-LIS now. Everything feels fine but I saw a red bump when I looked. Then I decided not to look too closely or overthink it since I feel fine.... good to know they said it was normal.
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