Since all this began, I’ve had a couple instances where I get a cramp before even going to the bathroom.
They feel different than the ones after a BM.
They are harder; they don’t spasm, just locks in place; and the affected muscles feel deeper, more the large gluteal muscles around the area than the sphincter itself.
About a month ago I got one of these, and it hurt worse than anything that’s ever happened to me. It didn’t go away quickly, either, but lasted for maybe 10 minutes. Just a completely locked muscle for 10 minutes, with the pain even being felt a little in my belly, like everything was getting tugged on by that muscle locking down.
I became overheated, and twice I got dizzy and had to steady myself. I ended up laying on the carpet because I was afraid I was going to pass out and hit my head.
I haven’t read anything about this happening. Am I the only one?