Spasms on waking

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Spasms on waking

Postby dmcff » 03 Jun 2017, 08:52

I find that in the morning I have spasms on waking up from the small amount of sleep I get each night. Then, after dozing in the afternoon because I'm so short of sleep, I again get spasms. This is not pleasant at all.

2014 Anal fissure
2015 CAT, EUA, sigmoidoscopy, 2 MRI
2016 Pain severe then moderate to low
2017 Moderate pain
2018 Physical therapy, pain management
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Re: Spasms on waking

Postby Rosco9 » 07 Jul 2017, 15:08

Anal fissures suck. The usual prescription drugs you will get are nitro/diltiazem cream to help relax the sphincter muscles. You're told to take Metamucil. You're told to drink more water. Thanks modern medicine for falling so short of being helpful for this painful condition. You see, anal fissures are incredibly simple problems of anatomy, and thus there is a simple fix for them. It's a cut, that happens to get torn open daily from the bottom up (the way fissures heal) and so there is very little forward progress in healing. Add to that the bacteria and and nerve endings in the Anus, and it's a horrifying experience. I'm going to teach you how to cure the one you have, as well as any that happen in the future in less than a week.

Get your diet on point first...
lots of fiber rich foods from now on. Beans, whole grains, rice veggies, fruits, etc. Limit red meat and nuts, popcorn, seeds, etc.
Be careful taking supplemental fiber like Metamucil, this will bulk your stool and prevent the fissure from healing when you pass large stool. Natural fiber in foods doesn't bulk this way and is a better choice.

1-take Miralax daily, along with magnesium citrate, these are safe osmotic laxatives that will keep your stool like soft serve ice cream no matter what you eat, and can be used long term if desired.

2) put petroleum jelly in your bum with your finger before every bowel movement, this will lubricate and prevent tearing of the fissure. Squat over a handheld mirror.

3) squat on the rim of toilet or buy a squattie potty, this straightens your digestive tract and makes you not need to push or strain as much.

4) buy desitin 40‰ zinc oxide cream and start applying with a q tip directly into the fissure cut itself (very important) after bowel movements and before bed. This speeds up skin renewal significantly and will heal the fissure in just a few days (seriously) if you also follow the above steps.
If your fissure is to the muscle, or if spasms are a problem when going, then use diltiazem 10 min or so before bowel movements, then use the petroleum right before. Breathe deep and concentrate on relaxing, don't strain at all.

Continue with the poletroleum jelly every bm for a few months atleast and you shouldn't have another fissure. Start wiping with water soaked toilet paper, don't use soap or alcohol based wipes anymore on your bum these will dry out the Anus.

That is it! No potions or drinking random things to heal from the inside out... This is a simple problem with a simple fix! Soft stool, petroleum to prevent re-tears daily, keep the Anus clean with water, and use zinc cream to heal the cut much faster than it normally could. You've got nothing to lose and getting your life back to gain, go out and buy the things I've outlined and you can be done with this in a week!
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