Squatty Potty?

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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 30 May 2017, 09:19

I had the same feeling the first time but now it is normal and also had a cramp in my leg the first time .

The potty is to help you not to do more damage.
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby AJStyles » 30 May 2017, 09:36

Okay, is the potty far away from the toilet or close to the toilet? how are you doing it?
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 30 May 2017, 09:47

Sometimes if your fissure is at the back you need to be careful with the squatty potty. I used to use it all the time pre fissure but now only occasionally as my CRS said it can aggravate people whose fissures are at the back
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 30 May 2017, 09:49

Hm , yes did not think about that as my fissure is internal and on the left side.

Did not tink about that.

Also AJ I keep it close to the toilet, but also keep in mid what Mypoorbutt has said.
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby AJStyles » 30 May 2017, 10:03

I dont even know where my fissure is...its internal too. But dont know if its left side or what. Its just "Anal Fissure 6 o Clock"
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby Tbooty » 30 May 2017, 18:47

I have one, and have used it for a year or so now. I has a LIS 4 yrs ago, and recently a hemorrhoidectomy. During the time I had no issues I loved the squatters potty. But now that I'm in pain again it's harder to use. I can feel the pressure and it makes the toilet seat stretch me too much. I'll return to it when I'm well again.
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 31 May 2017, 03:05

Hi yes mine is in the 6oclock position that area has naturally less blood flow and can be irrited at times by a squatty potty so I would listen to your body. If the position the potty puts you in just feels unusual or uncomfortable then you will probably just get used to it. If it feels like it's stretching or making the fissure area feel uncomfortable then I would leave it and try again the next time.
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby AJStyles » 31 May 2017, 09:07

Hi i just used it yesterday it worked and it came out good BUT i am still sitting long on the toilet..still 30 minutes, and i cant squat for 30 minutes it just hurting my legs and its uncomfortable, i can squat for 10 max 15 min but thats it. Think im just gonna send the potty back. Before the fissure i used to sit for 20-25 min on the toilet too so, i think thats just how my body is.
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby ResMePlz » 31 May 2017, 10:44

30 mins is WAY too long to sit on the toilet IMO. If you don't sit and it just comes out, is get up and try again later. When you squat, make sure your ass cheeks aren't pulling apart. I close my ass a little so it doesn't pull my ass apart.
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Re: Squatty Potty?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 31 May 2017, 10:49

Is there any reason why you are sitting that long. I know before my fissure I could be sat for 20 mins but that was because I knew I would be back on there so just chose to stay, that was because of my crohns. My CRS advised me to spend as little as possible actually sat on the toilet as it's bad for fissures.
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