Staying "balanced"

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Staying "balanced"

Postby Harper05 » 31 Mar 2017, 14:11

hi all, I had surgery 3 months ago and having trouble keeping balanced. I end up going like 3/4 times a day and then I am just more sore. Its like I go then 30 mins later.... then 30 mins later.. I am just not able to fully go all at once. I take stool softeners twice a day.. eat tons of vegetables, drink water..
any tips??
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Re: Staying "balanced"

Postby Mypoorbutt » 01 Apr 2017, 04:07

Just wondering what the consistency of your BMs is
Perhaps you are taking too many softeners or having too much fiber
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Re: Staying "balanced"

Postby Harper05 » 01 Apr 2017, 07:59

Ummm I'm not sure, I think they are soft...
I have two stool softness a day.. oatmeal, veggies, chciecken normally for dinner. I am really healthy.
Could it be too much.?
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Re: Staying "balanced"

Postby Mypoorbutt » 01 Apr 2017, 13:34

I was just wondering as sometimes if the BM is soft but not urgent then it can be hard to fully finish so to speak.
Every has a BM that is best for them I guess it's finding what works for you
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