Stopped Sitz Baths...

Stopped taking Sitz Baths...

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Stopped Sitz Baths...

Postby Teddy » 10 Jun 2017, 13:49

Consider an experiment: try taking a break from sitz baths, as the positions you get into to do them may put stress on the area and re-tear the AF. Also what helped me: place bottles of water around you in your home etc. and carry water with you. Apply Aquaphor or generic Equate healing ointment nightly to the area, wipe with moist TP gently after bowel movement. Avoid exercise and motions that may re-tear the area. Two or three prunes per day, 2 (generic) stool softener capsules per day, avoid food that may constipate.

This worked for me- I felt MUCH better in less than a week, and a month later I could not feel my AF unless I sat directly flat on my butt for long periods. I still do these things above to keep reocurances away.

Best of luck! ..... believe me-- "I feel your Pain..."

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Postby Teddy » 12 Jun 2017, 12:20

Also, as posted elsewhere here, ibuprophin really helped the pain- I wished I hadn't waited so long to start taking it. Coconut oil in sitz baths did not help my AF, but cured itchiness in the area. I avoid sitting on hard seats for any extended period of time, and usually sit sideways on one cheek or the other. I take in water whenever I get up in the night to keep my intestines moist. I take one 250mg tablet of Magnesium per day (Milk of Magnesia is taken for constipation). I do not drink whole milk- only 1 or 2% milk.

My doctor told me that some AF's are to one side or the other, and some are "in the back, aligned with the crack", like mine. I think this is why sitz baths were re-stressing the injury.

One other thing I try to do is RELAX, and not be so "anal retentive". Not sure it this really helps, but it can't hurt. I don't spend so much time on the internet anymore, reading and worrying about things I can't change (politics, Fukushima, North Korea, etc etc etc.) Just trying to keep a smile on my face for everyone.

Hope this helps someone out there.
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Re: Stopped Sitz Baths...

Postby tightbutt5678 » 23 May 2019, 05:14

Hi thanks for your post! Relaxing is KEY. I have noticed huge differences lately as my mental health has been better. Also Magnesium citrate at night is also helping I believe. :)
- February 2019 : Fissure
- Tried all of the creams, perfecting the diet, self dilation
- Reduced symptoms significantly but still not healed
- July 2019 : LIS with tag removal
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