Strong urge but no go????

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Strong urge but no go????

Postby alpha » 28 May 2011, 14:45

While I was sleeping last night, I woke up because I felt strong urge to go from anus.
I can say that it's not a normal urge to defecate because the signal was coming only from anus but I think I felt no peristalsis movement...
Anyway I went to toilet and tried to poop. But nothing.. I just could not open my anus. I couldn't even pass the wind. And the urge turned into more like a pain....
So I went back to the bed and about 20 minutes later I was able to get back to sleep...
The pain was like a mix of urge and some sharp pain.
This was not the first time I experienced this. This happened twice already about a month ago.
Can anyone tell me what this is???? Can my fissure be the reason???
What did I experience????
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Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby val » 29 May 2011, 11:57

I think the swelling gives the impression of needing to go even when we don't need to. And that damn sphincter muscle seems to go on lock-down! I often think it's not always true constipation with a fissure - just the muscle not letting go! Just my thoughts on it though, of course.
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Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby alpha » 29 May 2011, 13:49

val wrote:I think the swelling gives the impression of needing to go even when we don't need to. And that damn sphincter muscle seems to go on lock-down! I often think it's not always true constipation with a fissure - just the muscle not letting go! Just my thoughts on it though, of course.

Yeah, my urge to poop got weaker considerably since I got this fissure. I think fissure affects how sphincter muscle behaves..
I just hope every thing comes back to normal after surgery..
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Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby Guest » 29 May 2011, 16:36

I experienced the urge to go and no go throughout having my fissure. I believe it was the muscle in spasm.

Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby New mum » 29 May 2011, 18:54

I had that as well. i agree with the muscle spasm, even now i am having a few bad weeks and i sometimes feel the urge to go but nothing.
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Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby hotpinkblack » 30 May 2011, 20:36

My dr told me it is the inner and outer spincer muscles that get out of wack. Image
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Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby Guest » 30 May 2011, 21:23

Yes I remember the doctor telling me I could set there forever and until the muscle relaxed it wasn't going to happen. I had incomplete bm's all day and kept having the urge throughout the whole day. It's miserable.

Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby hotpinkblack » 30 May 2011, 23:34

I was having that same problem, but I have been on a high fiber diet for a week and that has stopped. Now if the stupid fissure would heal I would be happy! It hurts so bad!
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Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby Joseph » 05 Jun 2011, 17:30

This is my main complaint with my AF. I could deal with the pain but the constant "need to go" is maddening.
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Re: Strong urge but no go????

Postby Guest » 06 Jun 2011, 08:10

I agree Joseph. That was my biggest complaint with my fissure. Drove me insane before getting my surgery.

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