Surgery although no pain


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Surgery although no pain

Postby Skip4444 » 01 Jan 2014, 09:51

Hi all,

finally managed to get on with a slightly different name as for some reason the site did not recognise my login.

Anyway I hope everyone is ok and had a nice Christmas. My question is this, I have had my fissure on and off for 6 years and before Christmas I was in a lot of pain and I booked an appointment but my surgeon was away and I had to wait 3 weeks. In that time the pain went and I healed again I assume with scar tissue, which I have done on and off through the years. My surgeon still said he could do the surgery for me as its not clearing up.

I am struggling with going for LIS when I am not in pain although I know it wont heal properly without it and I'm always on a knife edge with it. Does anybody have experience of having the operation whilst actually being pain free?

Should I wait until I'm in pain or does it not make any difference?

Thanks as always people x
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Re: Surgery although no pain

Postby jr2 » 01 Jan 2014, 18:54

Hi Skip4444

Tough question. I guess the question I would ask the surgeon is how he will determine how much muscle to cut. Generally, the surgeon determines the amount of muscle to cut based on the length of the fissure. If you don't have a chronic fissure at the time of surgery, how will he determine how much muscle to cut? Too little and you could still be prone to fissures, too much and you have more risk of incontinence. Can your surgeon see an actual scar to use as a guide for the incision size? Is he planning on cleaning up the scar tissue too? .( I've been getting fissures for over 25 years and every time I ask surgeons about scarring they don't see any). Just because you've had repeat fissures doesn't necessarily mean a build up of scar tissue, but if you do have it, it would be worth asking about that too.

Good luck with your decision!
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Re: Surgery although no pain

Postby Skip4444 » 01 Jan 2014, 20:18

Hi jr2, thanks for your reply.

He can see the cut and last time I saw him he said that its trying to heel but it never fully gets there. He said he would only make a small cut into the muscle just to help it that little bit extra and he may also scrape the fissure a bit depending on its state with a closer inspection.

I have excepted that I need it as I cant seem to heal it fully only temporarily. The longest I managed was 6 months and that is hard work with strict diet but it always comes back.

I guess there must be people that have been in pain on and off, have seen the surgeon but by the time the surgery date comes up they are not in pain. But they know it will come back so have gone through with it anyway. Its just hard to go to surgery when I'm in a pain free period.

I suppose I'm hoping for some reassurance from somebody who has had this predicament :-)

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Re: Surgery although no pain

Postby scared ann » 01 Jan 2014, 21:56

Hi skip4444!
I read your post and I have the same issue with.i have this fissure off and on for 3yrs.2yrs ago I booked for surgery.but it got better so I decided to cancel because I was pain lasted 5 months.i got flare ups again and booked again.i was in pain for almost 4 weeks.a week before surgery I was pain free again.but I remember my first doctor said that if you get the surgery while the fissure is not in flame it will be the best to get the surgery because you will not be in a lot of pain after surgery.
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Re: Surgery although no pain

Postby hopefulbutt » 09 Jan 2014, 15:50

Skip I am in same boat. I booked surgery finally after continued painful bums and soreness all day. It's six weeks out and now I am feeling better. And starting a new job to boot! I wrestle with this but I think I want to do it. I don't want this hanging over me, getting better then getting worse cycle. I know it will mean feeling worse for a while but I pray it's worth it.
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