by Garrod » 09 Jul 2015, 04:38
Hi Cporosus, thanks for the good wishes! Good to hear you're all good now and nice that you stop by here to give courage to the ones who are still dealing with this :)
This is my second fistulotomy, had one last December, my CRS confirmed another one had formed, so he wants to fix that. He never mentioned Chron's and I don't have any symptoms. He's not sure why another one formed, probably it healed outside sooner than it did inside - because of my crazy traveling, I only had two post-op check-ups, so he's not sure when and why it happened. I had that 'dimple' for awhile and thought it will just take longer for that to be fixed, but it did drain and bleed, so it was surely another one. But I really hope it will be fine this time and it will heal properly and I won't have to deal with this any longer!