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Postby val » 11 Nov 2007, 12:20

I've just got back from a weekend away, and I asked everyones advice about swimming before I went. The experience I had was really painful. The chlorine wasn't a problem, but the movement whilst swimming really hurt, so I couldn't stay in the pool long. Thats only my opinion though, because everyone else seemed fine with it.
Also, I found being out of my routine, and away from my own bathroom, really stressful and it messed up my insides as I ate things I wouldn't normally, and more of it!! I'm actually pleased to be home, which is unusual after a break! I don't think I'll be travelling again in the very near future, although when I booked it, I was having a good few days, but I've had a bad week this week. Damn this blinking fissure!!! It ruins everything! :( Image
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Re: swimming

Postby Guest » 11 Nov 2007, 18:29

I'm sorry Val! That is too bad you weren't able to enjoy your holiday. I can relate. I went to Florida in August and my butt paid for it afterwards. I am afraid to travel now!

Did it hurt to just stand there in the pool or only when you were swimming?

I bet you will recover pretty quickly though since overall you are better. I do admire you for getting out and living your life. Isn't that the second time you travelled with your fissure? What do you think was different about this trip do you think? I don't remember you having a setback the last time you went.


Re: swimming

Postby val » 12 Nov 2007, 06:18

Thanks! I'm sorry you had a bad trip too. No, this was the first time I have travelled with it-and the last til its gone, I hope! We were supposed to be going away in June, but that was when it first started so we had to cancel it and then we tried to book it a month after, and the month after that, but I couldn't go.
It didn't hurt to stand in the pool, just stung a little when we first got in, but as soon as I tried to swim, it was horrible, really painful. It also didn't help though, when we were messing about with one of those long floaty "snake tube" things, which I was laying on and my son tipped me off it, and my legs went at a funny angle-just the sort of position I DIDN'T want!! That really hurt!
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Re: swimming

Postby Guest » 12 Nov 2007, 08:46

Owie! I can imagine that would be very painful. Are you doing any better today?
Taking a trip is hard enough without a fissure as a mom because you have to do all the packing, organizing, and thinking for 4 people!!!

Re: swimming

Postby val » 12 Nov 2007, 11:00

I feel much better today,now I'm home!thanks! Yes, packing and organizing was a nightmare, and my daughter moved house as well, so there was a lot of rushing about and stressing!
How are you now, is yours better yet?
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Re: swimming

Postby Deleted User 5 » 12 Nov 2007, 11:09

Val, you have the point right, it's not the water but how you position you r legs that causes the problem. I was the same way when I had my fissure, I had to be very careful how I stretched my legs out...
Deleted User 5

Re: swimming

Postby Guest » 12 Nov 2007, 11:28

I am better, Val! This was back in August so I have finally recovered. Still have an annoying skintag though. I think next time I will insist on flying. I drove 8 hours and that is what put me over.

So you have one less living at your house now?

Re: swimming

Postby val » 16 Nov 2007, 11:55

Hi Lecia,
I'm so glad you're better at last, its been a long time to heal for you hasn't it? And the skin tags are a real pain in the a**e!
We only had a 4 hour drive when we went away, but it was still torture!
My daughter is 23 and has a little girl of her own(I'm a Nan! that makes me feel so old!!) so she flew the nest about 3 years ago, but she's just moved around the corner from us which is lovely, although she was only 7 miles away before!
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Re: swimming

Postby Guest » 16 Nov 2007, 12:01

I am looking forward to being a nan myself! You get to do all the spoiling and then send them home!!!

Mine are spoiled and have to live here!!!

Yeah, the last 5 years have been full of ups and downs healthwise.

How are you doing?

Re: swimming

Postby Guest » 16 Nov 2007, 13:52

Only just seen this.
Sorry your weekend away didn't go to plan :(
Hope you're feeling a bit better now you're home.
Maybe you should push your GP to refer you to the surgeon, you shouldn't be expected to just take all this pain :(
Bet it's lovely having your Daughter just around the corner now :)

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