Teacher - Off work with AF

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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Rachael 1984 » 27 Nov 2013, 05:02

Hi Zodiak,

So sorry you are suffering with this horrible condition. I was off work for 5 months, as I couldn't deal with the daily pain of my Fissures, it totally ruled my life. I returned to work on a phased return after my Botox treatment. Could you see another CRS and see if you can try Botox? The sooner Botox is done the more successful it is, I think. There have been some success stories on here, look at JHH, Welsh double Fissure, unfortunately mine did help for a while and I definitely am not in the hell I was in before , but still battling with A Fissure.. Good luck to you, keep us posted. Xx
Hem Banding sept 2012
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Zodiak » 27 Nov 2013, 06:53

MG, sorry I can't help you with how to get though it, I am still there.
This isn't my first AF, but it is the worse, normally they heal up within a week and I return to normality and don't even think about it, but this one is just taking forever.
I do get very depressed, which is hard for those around me too, but the thing that keeps me going most is hearing from other people who have got over it and been able to get back to a relatively normal life.
I am sure one day that we will be over it, but when you are in the middle of it is is hard to see out.
The only way I am keeping sane is immersing myself in my hobby of restoring old electronic music instruments but even then when it hurts I can't concentrate and keep making mistakes, which makes me even more depressed!
Do your school know what you are going through?
What has you doctor suggested, have you seen a specialist yet?
Last edited by Zodiak on 27 Nov 2013, 07:07, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Zodiak » 27 Nov 2013, 06:55

Rachel, Botox isn't a recognized treatment in the UK, but if it was I would definitely give it a try.
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Rachael 1984 » 27 Nov 2013, 07:08

Hi Zodiak,
I am in the UK and my CRS does it as the first line treatment. My sister in law is suffering from fissures too and her CRS has said Botox is the next step for her.... Maybe you could do some research and see if your GP can help you get to the right person.

GL xx
Hem Banding sept 2012
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Zodiak » 27 Nov 2013, 07:14

Rachel, thanks, my GP is an American guy, really nice but he seems to think that botox is only a short term fix and he wants to find a long term solution, probably through diet and exercise.
The REALLY annoying thing is that this all happened when I was on holiday, I was overeating and got out of my normal BM pattern and got constipated.
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Rachael 1984 » 27 Nov 2013, 07:34

Hi Z,
Ah, yes, sounds like it has only been a short term fix for me.... I am going down the diet route, I have IBS so I have been under a dietician following the FODMAP plan. This has really helped me, and I am continuing with this indefinitely. Now I know my triggers I avoid them. My problem was major constipation and straining(if only I had known the damage I was doing). Ugh.... I am really doing well with my BM now and I don't get constipation, I also take Movicol. Do you take any stool softeners? It sounds like your CRS has the same idea as mine, although I have been suffering on and off for over a year, I may need further surgical intervention. Downside, I am 35! Being a female and not having any children my CRS is very reluctant to do the LIS on me.... I do hope you can heal without surgery, you need to do what is right for you, and what works fro some people doesn't for others!

Keep up the good work with the musical instruments... Anything that distracts from the hell of this is good... I nearly developed a shopping addiction at my lowest point(not good for my credit card!) on a serious note I used Antidepressants, and they did help me come out of that black hole I was in. My work were very understanding and I also teach, so sometimes when I am having a bad day, the students cheer me up. A different setting though to yours, as I am an Instructor/Assessor in Hairdressing. Some days I can only focus on my damn Bum, but little distractions do help. Keep fighting, you can win this battle... ETO and Buttastic have both healed Chronic Fissures naturally, they are both a great inspiration......

Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Zodiak » 27 Nov 2013, 08:16

Oh don't talk to me about dieticians... my daughter is in her third year of university studying nutrition and I could now write a thesis on the difference between the two. :roll:
(A Dietician can tell you what food contain what chemicals and how to achieve a balanced diet with what you eat, and a nutritionist can tell you what the various chemicals and enzymes actually do to your body but can't tell you what food to eat)
I am currently using Fibogel, which seems to work most of the time, so long as I don't go too long between BMs but it does have what I refer to as the "Mr Whippy" effect most of the time.
I am pretty sure that my 6th formers would be OK with this, but year 10 and 11 would just try to take the mick, "Oh sir has got a bad bum, he must have been...." etc.
As for shopping addiction... just keep me away from e-bay.
And yes people here are inspirational, just reading the stories and knowing that it is not just me has made me feel far more positive and far less alone. That sounds bad, my wife has been fantastic, but she must get fed up with me saying "Oh that one hurt!" :comfort:
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby MarathonGirl » 27 Nov 2013, 09:45

Zodiak: The principal of my school is aware that I am having "health issues" (I've taken a few afternoons for doctors appointments) but I would never actually tell him what exactly is going on. The only person who knows is my boyfriend, and he is very supportive. *IF* it gets to the point where I have to take a medical leave from my job, I will get a note from the doctor and I don't actually have to explain myself to anyone. (Thank God for the teacher's union.)

My family doctor, and the specialist, both said that fissures are extremely difficult to treat, and take months to heal. At least they were both very sympathetic.
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Zodiak » 27 Nov 2013, 10:44

MarathonGirl: I hope it clears up soon, I am quite lucky with my school and I just told the head what the problem was, he looked uncomfortable, shuffled some papers and said "fine see you when you are better <cough> cough>"
People who don't know must have trouble understanding how ******* painful this is, how does you boyfriend deal with it?
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Re: Teacher - Off work with AF

Postby Rachael 1984 » 27 Nov 2013, 11:38

Hi Z,
I tried Fybogel, but it didn't work for me! Too much Bulk. Movicol seems to suit me better. The FODMAP plan is devised for IBS sufferers and has a 75% success rate, it has really changed my life... No brick in my stomach, cramps and bloated feelings have almost subsided and I have much better BM.

I nearly killed my partner early on in the year, I was just in so much pain.... I took it out on those close to me. He even asks now how is your bum today? Sure he gets sick of it, so I use this forum to chat about it.... It can and does affect everyone around us.
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
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