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This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby aimonaali » 19 Mar 2014, 10:17

..but also might be the wrong place to ask this. This is a questin to all those people who've maybe had LIS/botox or who's butts are in general feeling fine at the moment. This is what I want to know: When you have a BM do your sphincter muscles cramp afterwards? I mean can you feel the muscle being hard while wiping? And does it feel different right before the BM or maybe just another time of the day? The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to know if my problems with leakage could be cured by just somehow relaxing the muscle right after a BM so I coul wipe "deeper".

Also another embarrassing question: What does your anus look like? I've checked mine out by using a mirror on the floor and squatting over it. And if I slightly pull it open (TMI I know...) it looks like I have hemorrhoids. The muscle kinda relaxes and lets something from inside to come out:/ Although I don't have problems realted to hemorrhoids and the doctor didn't mention anything about them at my last check up.

Please answer me. Feel free to take a day or two to test the question about muscles:P
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby JHH » 19 Mar 2014, 14:33

I have no problem anwsering this...

When Im done, I feel my muscle tighten up. I think this is a reflex that empties the anal canal, and maybe your muscle isnt strong enough to get it all out. Its not like my muscle is loose, and I can wipe into my ass, and neither do I need to.

When I squat and look in a mirror, I see pretty much what you describe. I think this is pretty normal for an old well used ass :-)
- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby aimonaali » 20 Mar 2014, 10:44

Thanks for answering to both of my topics:) And now I have more questions :P

Do you feel any burning etc. after a BM? Can you feel the mucle as a hard "ring" when you start wiping? Does it start to relax while wiping? Ten minutes after a BM my muscle is more relaxed and I can wipe better. This might sound weird, but a couple of times I've been drunk while taking a dumb and the muscle hasn't tighten up so much and I've been able to wipe better with no leakage. I don't really know what to make of that...
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby JHH » 22 Mar 2014, 03:56

No problem mate :)

I do not have any burning, and yes, right after BM the muscle is tight, and feels like a hard ring. After BM, maybe after half an hour, it feels more relaxed for me too.

Dont know why BM'ing drunk works better for you. It baffles me too.

- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby asdf123456 » 23 Mar 2014, 10:46

HI Aimonaali,

If I understand correctly, there are some things they can do for problems with leaking...injections, or even surgery. Have you looked into anything at all? I had a hemm surgery 20 months ago, and the drainage from the surgical wound never went away, as my wounds never healed, so I actually get some staining/drainage, particularly a few hours after BMs. My old CRS said this was just from the fact I had open wounds and that once they healed the drainage would stop, unfortunately, the wounds have not yet healed. I had LIS and then recently a flap surgery, but the wounds, but so far I still have a wound posteriorly, and the drainage has not resolved so far. I am hoping that if I can ever get the wound to heal, I will have a perfectly clean butt, but who knows with all the surgery I've had...Strangely, if I wipe my butt 1/2-1 hour after a BM, it's usually perfectly clean. I return about 2-3 hours later to find that some stuff has worked its way out. The original doctor said this was just poop getting stuck and aggravating my healing surgery site, but I've never had the opportunity to find out the truth in all this time because the surgery site has never healed.
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby aimonaali » 23 Mar 2014, 14:53

Yeah, I've heard about the injection they do. Put something to the skin to make it bigger so that it'll squeeze everyhing out more properly. My doctor actually said that they treat a problem like mine with rubber bands:/ I'm not really sure how that works. But before they can do more tests the incision site should heal. And I think it's just getting worse.
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby asdf123456 » 23 Mar 2014, 16:13

So if your fissure is still not healed, is it possible you are just noticing some wound discharge after BMs?
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby aimonaali » 24 Mar 2014, 12:00

Well the only good news is that the fissure actually seems to be healed. It's the incision site that's still giving me problems. Although the doctor said the skin looks healed on that site too. And nope, that's not from the wound, that's pure feces.
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby asdf123456 » 24 Mar 2014, 15:29

Ok. I don't want to be too graphic, but how much are we talking here...1 wipe worth? Stool consistency is also a factor...I know that for me, when I have smooth log poops, I have no residue later, because the more solid stool does not stick to or aggravate the wounds at all...When my poop is more mushy or wetter, there is some residue later, I believe because it sticks to and aggravates the wounds and then is expelled later as the wound cleans itself. I don't know about you, but I'm 26, so if I had this problem with quite a bit of leaking, I would definitely try the injection, or banding thing you mentioned.
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Re: This is the only place I can ask this...

Postby aimonaali » 26 Mar 2014, 10:25

I have no problem being graphic. It does depend on the stool consistency. General rule is the more I have to wipe, the more there is to wipe later. Usually just a couple of wipes but still. If I could somehow find a way to relax my shincter right after a BM, I could probably be able to clean it all the first time.

I'm 29 and I'm definetely going to try the injection if this doesn't get better. And right now nothing is really indicating that it is getting better :/ But the problem is that first the insicion site should stop burning after every bm. The doctor doesn't want to do another surgery before that. I should probably try to find out if they use those injections in my country.
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