..but also might be the wrong place to ask this. This is a questin to all those people who've maybe had LIS/botox or who's butts are in general feeling fine at the moment. This is what I want to know: When you have a BM do your sphincter muscles cramp afterwards? I mean can you feel the muscle being hard while wiping? And does it feel different right before the BM or maybe just another time of the day? The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to know if my problems with leakage could be cured by just somehow relaxing the muscle right after a BM so I coul wipe "deeper".
Also another embarrassing question: What does your anus look like? I've checked mine out by using a mirror on the floor and squatting over it. And if I slightly pull it open (TMI I know...) it looks like I have hemorrhoids. The muscle kinda relaxes and lets something from inside to come out:/ Although I don't have problems realted to hemorrhoids and the doctor didn't mention anything about them at my last check up.
Please answer me. Feel free to take a day or two to test the question about muscles:P