Tightness 24 hours after LIS

Tightness 24 hours after LIS

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Tightness 24 hours after LIS

Postby GilmoreGirl » 29 Apr 2017, 16:31

Great! I think what hurts is if you have to push it if the bm is hard. In my opinion the pain during bm after surgery was much less than before. It was a temporary pain, sharp - but eased in a few min with a bath or heating pad. Before, the pain was 4-8 hours after every bm.

AJstyles - my incision and fissure cause me no pain now. I did develop an abscess next to incision and that is a source of pain (like an awful bruise). But the surgery worked well, I literally have to just sit down on the toilet and can have a bm, this is a miracle for me!
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Re: Tightness 24 hours after LIS

Postby AJStyles » 30 Apr 2017, 07:04

Gilmore girl what can you do against your abscess?
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Re: Tightness 24 hours after LIS

Postby chillblue » 30 Apr 2017, 07:30

Wow GG. My problems were much different. My fissure would only show itself every now and then, and there was no pain hours after a bowel movement. I would just feel a tear while during my bowel movement, then would see blood. If it was a large bowel movement i would feel it get stuck, and i would have to push extra hard, meanwhile feeling that area on the right that always tears have all this pressure put on it, causing it to bleed. And of course any anal sex activity I would bleed from that same spot, but most doctors could never find a fissure oddly enough. So glad you are doing better GG. I love this board it has been a great source of support and the reason I pushed my doctor to give me LIS.
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Re: Tightness 24 hours after LIS

Postby GilmoreGirl » 30 Apr 2017, 07:36

Thanks chillblue! I think once your butt calms down after the surgery you will be so happy and pain free. I barely even feel a pinch from the inscicion now when I go!

AJstyles - for now, just sitz baths with Epsom salts, warm compresses with Epsom salts, and applying pressure to the area to help it drain. There is no infection and it is draining on it's own, so although it is painful, it is no huge emergency at the moment. Likely, some other intervention will need to take place - an incision to help it drain better or a fistulotomy if it has turned into a fistula.
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