Just had fissurectomy and LIS on 11/11/15


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Just had fissurectomy and LIS on 11/11/15

Postby LauraK » 15 Nov 2015, 14:13

So after two years of dealing with a chronic fissure, countless creams and ointments, unimaginable discomfort and pain, and failed Botox I decided to have LIS surgery. I am 4 days post op. Overall, I feel pretty good but I'm nervous to poop. I had my first bowel movement yesterday and it was harder than expected. I've been popping colace stool softener like candy and drinking milk of magnesia and still no relief. I only took the Percocet the first day following surgery. I find the pain from this manageable in comparison to the pain from the fissure, especially after a bowel movement. Plus, I'm not a fan of narcotics and they constipate you as well. I'm praying this surgery works. I can't imagine having this quality of life for the rest of my life. I'm only 36! I've had a hemorrhoidectomy and Botox surgery for this so far and now LIS. Praying for relief but so far everyday seems a little better.
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Re: Just had fissurectomy and LIS on 11/11/15

Postby Savaici » 18 Nov 2015, 08:32

Welcome to the forum. Hope that you are continuing to do well!
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Re: Just had fissurectomy and LIS on 11/11/15

Postby LauraK » 18 Nov 2015, 08:46

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Re: Just had fissurectomy and LIS on 11/11/15

Postby Hafzaal » 23 Nov 2015, 16:01

Any updates Laura? How are you doing now?
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Re: Just had fissurectomy and LIS on 11/11/15

Postby LauraK » 23 Nov 2015, 16:48

I feel great!!!! So glad I did it and no incontinence issues.
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Re: Just had fissurectomy and LIS on 11/11/15

Postby Canadabum » 24 Nov 2015, 17:32

Laura -- so glad the procedure has worked out for you..great news!

I am curious -- you mentioned you had the fissure for 2 years then decided on surgery. What drove you to a surgical solution? Were you in severe pain for most of that 2 years or was it characterized by healing and setbacks (if so, what sort of set backs did you have). A number of us who are dealing with this for a prolonged period of time are trying to figure out what are the signals when surgery makes sense. Thanks for any feedback...and congrats again!
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Re: Just had fissurectomy and LIS on 11/11/15

Postby LauraK » 24 Nov 2015, 17:43

I tried everything non surgical first. I tried several creams.....ranging from all nature nature forces oils, rectiv ointment (which really helps but gives you a wicked headache), nifedipine compounded ointments, over the counter treatments, calmosepric cream.....you name it I probably tried it. When the creams failed I tried the Botox injections. It did nothing! I had been seeing a general surgeon and he recommended LIS as a last resort. The pain was so intense and my quality of life sucked. I was afraid to use the bathroom bc of the pain. I knew it was time for a second opinion. I had all my records sent to a colorectal surgeon and met with him. He assured me LIS would be my best bet. Everything in my records were what he would have tried. I had hesitated because I didn't want possible incontinence at age 36, but I knew the rewards outweighed the risks. I'd definitely try Botox first. It does work in quite a few patients and it is less invasive, no cutting. Maybe you'll be the lucky one it works for. Good luck!!!
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