Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoids now surgically corrected

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Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoids now surgically corrected

Postby ScarabWarrior » 15 Jan 2016, 23:57

I developed an anterior anal fissure and multiple internal and external hemorrhoids during pregnancy. I delivered a healthy baby boy in September and subsequently developed a severe case of postpartum depression too (adding insult to injury!). I attempted fiber, Miralax, and nitroglycerin without much success and ultimately went under the knife for what I thought would just be LIS. Well...after the spinal anesthesia, in the words of my CRS, my hemorrhoids "bloomed" and he decided to make me well and remove them too. Fast forward 10 days and I'm still in the worst pain EVAR! I'm keeping my stool soft with Miralax, colace, Metamucil and MOM but every BM makes me want to die. Sitz baths help briefly. I'm on enough pain meds to down a horse (Norco 10/325, Motrin 800, Gabapentin, and Xanax) and yet I still struggle. I saw my CRS yesterday and he thinks I'm healing well and told me the pain will get better. He cut a few bothersome sutures and wants me back in two weeks.

Please tell me that it really does get better. And when. And what else I can do. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoids now surgically corrected

Postby Fissurefrustration » 16 Jan 2016, 11:33

Hello and welcome. Congratulations on your healthy baby boy ☺☺☺

I had the same issue post op and I think your particularly suffering as your hemmis sounded so extensive. Did your surgeon use any Botox? I think really helped ease things for me..

Also it's rare to have non dissolvable sutures used for colorectal surgery so have a read through your discharge summary and possibly let me know the name of your stitch material?

Keep up with your pain meds and sits baths try not to exert yourself and avoid heavy lifting.

Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoids now surgically corrected

Postby ScarabWarrior » 16 Jan 2016, 19:42

They are dissolvable sutures but they were pulling too much so the CRS decided to cut a few.

No Botox during the procedure but he has me using Rectiv again to help with the spasms.
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Re: Anal Fissure and Hemorrhoids now surgically corrected

Postby fifi1985 » 19 Mar 2016, 09:35

I am 31 weeks pregnant and going through something similar. Do you think it would have helped if you would have had a C section? that is what is being suggested to me and just curious if you thought it wouldn't have gotten worse. Thanks
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