Abscess Possible Fistula

Abscess Surgery and after

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Abscess Possible Fistula

Postby Uvall » 10 Jun 2016, 01:52

I just posted a bit about this in another thread I started a while back when I had my LIS and Hemorrhoidectomy surgeries but I'm not sure it gets many views so I thought I may post on it here.

I had LIS and Hemorrhoidectomy surgery 4 weeks ago this coming Wed. 2 weeks after my surgery I started getting swelling and a pressure pain on my left buttcheek near my rectum. The swelling got bad over the weekend and I went in the tuesday after Memorial day (last week) for a checkup on it. They said I had a pretty bad abscess/infection but since it had ruptured and was draining I had two options. Go into immediate surgery to have to cut open and cleaned out or take antibiotics for a few days to see if that would heal me up. I being a chicken opted for the antibiotics first.

The antibiotics reduced the swelling but didn't kill off the infection so I went in for surgery to have it cleaned up and checked for a Fistula on the 7th of June, this past Tuesday. The Surgeon cut out a decent size chunk of flesh from my butt cheek and instructed me to leave it open. No gauze or ointments of any kind. He said he wanted it open to drain and heal properly from the inside out. He also said he didn't see any Fistula and acted like he didn't think that would be a problem. For the last two days since the surgery I have taken regular baths to soak and then a shower afterwards. I keep the area cleaned up. But tonight I noticed I was having a discharge in the wound area that looks a lot like the puss that was draining while I had the abscess. It's a mostly cloudy yellowish goo with a hint of green to it. This has gotten me pretty nervous as I'm scared things are going down hill once again.

I am currently on antibiotics, 875mg of Amoxicillin twice a day. Is this type of discharge normal? I called the doctors office today but it was after hours and I was only able to speak to some Nurse who had told me it was not normal. Which has me scared like crazy. But when I read online I've seen where a discharge like this is completely normal. Does anyone have any idea about this type of thing? I am definitely calling my surgeon first thing in the morning, but since I can't sleep from the worry I thought I would post here and see if anyone that may still be awake could respond and possibly give me some info on it. I would greatly appreciate it if so.

I am also leaving this link to my Outlook OneDrive folder with 2 pictures of my rear-end. they are graphic pictures so be warned. I am a Male and I do have a hairy arse. I was fresh out of a bath and shower so I may look a little wet. But I am clean. I'm linking this to give you an idea of the wound I have on my butt cheek.
https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=D ... lder%2cJPG

I'm also not sure if this is the right place to post this. But as I said above, any help or info would be great. Thanks in advance!!
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Re: Abscess Possible Fistula

Postby thedude » 10 Jun 2016, 09:32

Hi Uvall,

I had a fissure, then a few months after having that fissure develop I also developed an abscess. I had a Fissurectomy scheduled for about 2 weeks out when this Abscess developed. I made an appointment with the CRS as like you it got pretty painful for me. They went ahead and numbed me up down there and just cut it there in the office and drained it to give me some relief before my surgery, which meant that my surgery was now a Fissurectomy + Abscess Drainage + possible Fistulotomy.

After the office procedure to drain the abscess, I did have some drainage with a little color to it (mainly a yellow tinge), for about 1 - 1.5 weeks after before it stopped.

I then had my surgery and they did find a simple fistula in there when they had me in surgery, so they cut that open and similar to you, didn't stitch anything up, just wanted it to heal on it's own. The only exception is that they did tell me I could put gauze down there to prevent the soiling of clothes from the drainage after surgery.

I am now 2 weeks and 2 days post op from that, I still have drainage with a yellow tinge to it. From what I've been told, this could happen for another couple weeks or so at least. Some days it's not so much, other days there's a bit more, bit thicker stuff. From what I understand that is fine as it's just the wound healing and expelling stuff still. What you want to watch out for is fever, tenderness in that area, inflammation, does it feel hot to the touch etc etc..those are signs of infection.

best of luck!
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Re: Abscess Possible Fistula

Postby Uvall » 10 Jun 2016, 11:49

Thanks for the response.

I actually just got off the phone with my surgeon about 15 minutes ago. He said that he thinks things are normal as you stated. Since I'm not really having any pain, swelling or fever. The Nurse I had talked to last night who told me it was not normal and I needed to come in right away scared the bejeebers out of me. But I guess that's what happens when you talk to someone who knows nothing about your procedure. I guess she was trying to stay on the safe side. So I'm pretty much going to ride through this weekend and am supposed to call in next week to let my surgeon know how things are.

I hope you continue to heal up well and don't have any more issues. As I'm hoping I don't run into any Fistula later myself. And this infection clears up and heals over nicely getting me back to normal. This whole experience has been brutal.
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Re: Abscess Possible Fistula

Postby thedude » 10 Jun 2016, 13:05

Good to hear!

Hope you continue to heal up as well and as you said, I hope you manage to stay away from fistula's.
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