No sign of healing


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No sign of healing

Postby Daisy505 » 25 Jun 2016, 13:39

Hello, I'm new here and I have joined out of a loss of what to do next as I feel I have tried everything!!!! I have been to the doctors twice for this problem which I have been suffering with for 3 months now after child birth. The doctor couldn't confirm it was an anal fissure but suspects from my symptoms it is and I have been given various haemorrhoid treatments for the problem, which have not made the slightest bit of difference. I changed my diet completely and I've lost almost a stone. I take stool softeners everyday but have seen no improvements in regards to pain and bleeding. I've tried tried lots of creams also but at the minute I've given up trying to make it better and resigned myself to the fact that'll I'll be in pain everyday for the rest of my life. But any suggestions or accounts of similar experiences would be greatly appreciated as I'm feeling incredibly depressed with it as well as having a screaming baby most of the time also! Thank you for reading .
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Re: No sign of healing

Postby Mypoorbutt » 25 Jun 2016, 15:15

Hi Daisy, please don't give up fissures are one of the most painful things but you are only 3 months in so there is a lot of hope.
Your doc shouldn't be treating you for haemorrhoids as that can sometimes make the skin thinner, not what you need with a fissure.
I would say your best way is to ask to see a CRS as they will know for certain if it's a fissure, if you can't do that see if your doc can prescribe GTN or diltiazem that are specifically for fissures.
Lots of people on here use natural products like coconut oil ozonated olive oil manuka honey and lots more. If you catch your fissure earlier enough there is no reason the creams prescribed won't help you heal completely. If not there are other options further down the line.
Please don't resign yourself to this especially not with a new baby, I know how painful it can be trust me I have had nights writhing on the floor at 3am begging for the spasms to stop. Don't give up hope the GTN stopped my worst spasms and I have just had Botox. You will get better just make the docs do their job
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Re: No sign of healing

Postby Daisy505 » 25 Jun 2016, 15:46

Thank you for the reply feel a little more hopeful! Yes I think the treatments I've been prescribed so far have definitely hindered the healing process so I'm going to book another appointment on Monday and make sure I'm not given more haemorrhoid treatments. I've read about coconut oil so I'm going to get some to try. I don't think doctors and people that have never had a fissure seem to realise how debilitating this condition is both physically and mentally :(
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Re: No sign of healing

Postby Mypoorbutt » 25 Jun 2016, 17:08

I was lucky the first GP I saw had had fissures himself and referred me to a CRS in 2 weeks, he said it was the worst pain he had experienced and as you never get a respite it affects you mentally too. I use coconut oil and hypercal cream, fissure heal was also useful. But mine was quite bad when I went to the docs as I have IBD and just thought I had bad haemorrhoids so had used OTC cream for that and had probably made it worse.
Try and keep positive I know it's hard but everyone here understands and will offer good advice and encouragement. I think as yours was from pregnancy and not an existing condition or too tight a sphincter there may be a better chance of it healing quickly
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Re: No sign of healing

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 26 Jun 2016, 09:50

Hi Daisy,
I have been in that same situation post baby some 13 years ago. Breast feeding , sick babies and my own work schedule made things more difficult. I am having a relapse now so am in pain myself though a little better after some interventions.
I agree with MPB - schedule a visit with a CRS - you will likely need an anoscopy to look inside if the fissure is not readily visible. Sitting in a warm bath after every BM helps relax the sphincter - the internal one . Try to do that twice a day. Keep you BM soft as much as you can. The steroid creams used for hemorrhoid itching like hydrocortisone can make the healing slower. The kind of creams needed for fissures if that's what you have are all aimed at relaxing the internal anal sphincter- 2 big classes 1. Nitroglycerin 2. Calcium channel blocker one is diltiazem or another is nifedipine . The studies I read show that these definitely ( one or the other class - not all are needed) speed up healing. Fissure pain cannot be understood unless you see it at closer quarters - like oneself or a loved one. One part of life is learning to forgive the ignorant ;) even if they are doctors . MPB was lucky to have a doctor who experienced it first hand. The expertise of a colorectal surgeon will help.
Find a good one. Good luck!
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Re: No sign of healing

Postby Daisy505 » 26 Jun 2016, 17:19

Thank you for your replies and I'm glad it is possible to make this condition better with time and the right treatment so I'll be seeking that as of tomorrow! I've stopped taking laxatives and stool softeners as they seemed to be making it worse as my diet is very good at the moment but I've noticed that alcohol seems to cause even more painful bm so going to be avoiding that. And need to make sure I'm not prescribed anymore haemorrhoid cream! Thank you very much for your advice and help, starting to think I won't be stuck with this pain forever :)
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Re: No sign of healing

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 26 Jun 2016, 22:12

Good girl. Being positive about the future is as important in this process as the patience with the ups and downs. I hope you improve very quickly. But even if the road is long there will be better days. Stay happy. Excruciating though the pain can be , fissures if that's what you have are very treatable. Take care of yourself - routines will be longer and you need to set aside the time for you despite all those other commitments. Hugs .
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