Been lurking, wanted to say thanks!

Almost healed

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Been lurking, wanted to say thanks!

Postby HP_duh » 17 Aug 2016, 12:20

Hi everyone :-)
I've been dealing with an anal fissure for almost 2 months now and have had many ups and downs. Finding this forum has been the biggest help for me, being able to know I'm not alone and that there are things I can do to help with the pain. I'm still in the thick of things, but I finally feel like I'm heading in the right direction. I've added fiber to my diet and stopped using the medicated wipes about a week ago and have already noticed some major changes. The pain doesn't last nearly as long as it used to and sitting, which had become a problem, has gotten easier. I just really want to thank everyone for posting their experiences and success stories, because without your knowledge I wouldn't be on my road to recovery.
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Re: Been lurking, wanted to say thanks!

Postby Canadabum » 18 Aug 2016, 17:26

Glad to hear you are doing better -- keep it up!!
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