Fissure gone, fissure back, CRS' advice helps but hurts

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Re: Fissure gone, fissure back, CRS' advice helps but hurts

Postby healthybutt » 12 Dec 2016, 17:04

Thanks Mypoorbutt! Oil of oregano -- have never heard of it (sounds tasty actually!). I would love toothpaste over diarrhea anyday. LOL. I got overly optimistic about the magnesium glycinate. It's stressful because I am pretty sure I developed a small hemorrhoid as a result of the diarrhea or just having to go so often, as I have never strained or pushed. Luckily the roid is not painful, and I cant wait till I can focus on that rather than the fissure. Anyway, I'm going to stick with getting the magnesium dosage right before I try something else, but I am keeping that transdermal spray in the back of my mind. The epsom salts dont do much for me and I havent even been using them recently in my baths, just lavender essential oil.
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Re: Fissure gone, fissure back, CRS' advice helps but hurts

Postby Mypoorbutt » 12 Dec 2016, 17:22

Don't want to dampen your enthusiasm but apparently the oil of oregano is quite strong and has yo be diluted in the carrier oil....I put some in my bath to help avoid infection and I still dilute it in coconut oil.
Oh trust me I know all about explosive diarrhoea....that's what got me here in the first place lol. No it's hell going too often when you have a fissure. I too am trying to find a happy medium I want....desperately BM a day at a Bristol 3/4 consistency....if I had a choice of that for a lifetime or winning the lottery I would pick the nice BM lol.
Have you tried magnesium chloride flakes in your bath instead of Epsom salts
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Re: Fissure gone, fissure back, CRS' advice helps but hurts

Postby GilmoreGirl » 12 Dec 2016, 18:11

That sounds like a great visit with the naturopath healthybutt! I use an essential oil blend down there too - it includes witch hazel and chamomile and some other things ( ... B005C55HPG). It was not a miracle cure or anything, but it was very soothing. And at my visit to the pelvic floor physiotherapist, she actually suggested it, specifically to use for gentle massage of the tight muscles (5 min daily). She also said it would help with elasticity of the skin - as you say probably to help prevent re-tears.
Mpb, I tried the oil of oregano pre-fissure and with the ibs it wasn't a good mix, I ended up with diarrhea and indigestion lol...but I tend toward diarrhea anyways, so healthybutt it might help you! But I would recommend taking it with food.

Oh and healthybutt, let us know how the flax works in place of the psyllium - I'm sticking with Metamucil for now as it's helping big time with smooth bm's, but it does still upset my stomach (I burped like 50 times in 10 min this aft!).
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Re: Fissure gone, fissure back, CRS' advice helps but hurts

Postby healthybutt » 12 Dec 2016, 18:52

OMG Gilmore Girl, I found out about Fissure Control after my ND appointment when I was researching the Bottoms Up Balm -- I got so excited and also upset that I hadnt known about it! No one carries it in stores here, I had to order it thru Walgreens since I dont have Amazon Prime (and it takes forever where I live). I had briefly wondered if I should use calendula herbal oil as I know it has antiseptic properties, but I decided to follow CRS' orders and use the nitroglycerin -- didnt want to make the problem worse with more irritation and a possible infection.

Reading up about all the ingredients in the Bottoms Up Balm matched up pretty well with the info I found here: ... ealing.cfm Had to look up butcher's broom though as I wasnt familiar with it: ... ientid=320 Sounds like a good herb for but problems!

Thanks Mypoorbutt and GG about the Oil of Oregono tips...I'm gonna wait for my next ND appointment before introducing MORE variables. To clarify -- how do you use it -- I assumed externally because Mypoorbutt mentioned using a carrier oil.

I will for sure see how the flaxseeds go, GG. I plan to start mixing them in with my smoothies today along with the ground flaxseed that I really want to use up because I hate wasting stuff! Sorry to hear the metamucil is making you burpy! What other fibers have you experimented with?

The science experiment continues...wish there was a way to know exactly how much magnesium I need to take to ensure a soft, but not too soft, BM...
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Re: Fissure gone, fissure back, CRS' advice helps but hurts

Postby Mypoorbutt » 13 Dec 2016, 07:24

I use the oregano oil externally on my fissure and in my bath but my friend mixes it with coconut oil 2drops to 15 and puts it in her smoothies to help with the strong taste. As GG said if I did that is would have diarrhoea but it helps my friend who gets constipated to go once a day.
Good luck
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Re: Fissure gone, fissure back, CRS' advice helps but hurts

Postby Abu » 13 Dec 2016, 12:21

Healthybutt, what kind of vaseline do you use before BM and where do you buy it from?
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Re: Fissure gone, fissure back, CRS' advice helps but hurts

Postby healthybutt » 13 Dec 2016, 13:54

Thanks for the clarification Mypoorbutt.

Abu, I just use the Vaseline brand's 100% petrolatum petroleum jelly. You can get it at any drug store or market. I've read on here that people use water based lubricants, like KY Jelly (I think my CRS used a water-based lube for my exam as it washed off easily), if that's easier for you. Also, people use coconut oil or olive oil, I find these too slippery and thin to apply intra-anally w/ gloved pinky -- I like the thicker texture of vaseline, feels like it is protecting the fissure more. Good luck!

The one thing I noticed with this current form of magnesium (glycinate) is that even tho I have loose stools, I only go 2 x a day, whereas with the magnesium oxide (mixed with citrate, succinate, and glycinate) I had to go at least 3 times a day, usually 4, and sometimes 5 (pretty much brown water at that point). Before the fissure, I used to go 1 a day and sometimes 2 if I'd had coffee or eaten a lot the previous day or was more active, so I kind of enjoy that I'm back to going 2 times a day, even if the 2nd trip to the bathroom is pretty much a waterfall with some loose rocks, haha!
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