New user, poop stuck

Tried enema and ended up stuck again

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New user, poop stuck

Postby sparklypoop » 27 Dec 2016, 10:28

I have been searching and decided to finally join in this group. I grew up having a constipation problem and have struggled with anal fissures for years. Reading others' stories and posts have really made me feel like I am not alone in this and that the struggle is serious.

Anyways, recently I had emergency surgery so I couldn't take precautionary steps to prevent constipation this time. I have stopped taking my pain meds and eating better (more fiber and just healthier). Well, yesterday I had enough of being backed up so I took a suppository and nothing happened. I took a mineral oil enema and still nothing (I don't think I kept it in long enough or did it right). So then I took a Fleet enema and holy hell broke loose. There was some hard and some that were not formed. Then at the end there was a blockage that presented itself and it is currently knocking. It feels too big to come out and I am afraid to try another enema because I don't want anal fissures. I can feel I have some small tears from yesterday but nothing serious. I called to see my doctor but she is out until next week. Any advice on what to do about the blockage? How to make it at least softer? I am not concerned about what is going to come after it, I just need the hard one out without damaging me.
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Re: New user, poop stuck

Postby Manitourose » 28 Dec 2016, 14:30

Hey Sparklypoop --
Any nurses on call that could assist you? My sister and a good friend of mine has experienced similar bouts of constipation. From my understanding, they kept up on everything you can do (water, fiber, miralax or another stool softener) until it slowly passed naturally. I imagine you could also ask the chemist/pharmacist about what you could take orally to soften and move the stool.
I know this post is from yesterday, so I hope you are feeling better!
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Re: New user, poop stuck

Postby sparklypoop » 29 Dec 2016, 00:13

Hey Manitourose,
I called a Nurse Hotline last night and they made me an emergency appointment for today. The doctor said I am severely backed up and have hard stools throughout my intestines. So he prescribed me Miralax every hour for 6hrs. It has been past the 6hrs and all I got was a little diarrhea but the hard still is still sitting there blocking everything else.

I am sitting on my couch now crying, I feel hopeless. It looks like I might have to go to the ER. I am so scared and feeling a bit depressed honestly. I feel like I can't catch a break from pain. I just want relief without hurting.
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Re: New user, poop stuck

Postby Manitourose » 29 Dec 2016, 11:12

How are you doing now Sparklypoop? You're having such an overwhelming experience and I'm so sorry you are going through this and in so much pain. Try to remain calm (I know that's nearly impossible) if you do have to go to the ER. They are very good with this sort of thing. My sister has experienced it several times and been to the ER. In her case she has a sphincter that doesn't sense when she needs to expel. But she always has felt incredibly better with medical attention. They are there to help you and will provide you pain relief. Please keep us updated, definitely thinking of you!! Hugs!!
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