Feeling of Something stuck in Rectum

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Feeling of Something stuck in Rectum

Postby jimgreener » 05 Jan 2017, 21:49

For the past few weeks I've felt like I have something in my rectum, like I haven't emptied it completely and I have a piece of something stuck in there.

I can even feel a sort of tickling there, it's very annoying and disturbing. I feel like I may be leaking some feces but when I go to bathroom and wipe I don’t see anything. I have feeling of fullness, tightness and foreign body inside around anus area. Some days it's better and I don't feel anything. It is definitiely not unbearable but I don't like the feeling.

I don't have diarrhea or constipation, just gas and minor bloating in my colon. And it's more noticeable when I stand up.

I went to GI and he did a rectal exam ( using his finger I think) and he told me that he does see any hems, and really didn’t find anything.

He said I can go for colonoscopy but is not really needed.
I am worried if I go to colonoscopy it may make it worse.
I don't know how can these people get through medical schools when they can't find shit!

What should I do?
Is it some parasites? Some worm?

I have been researching the symptoms and the closest I could come to is anal fissure and I have no idea what that is and how to treat it.

Please help!
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Re: Feeling of Something stuck in Rectum

Postby LemonMan » 06 Jan 2017, 01:44

Hi Jim,
Could be a number of things, internal hemmies, or perhaps a minor fissure that has irritated the rectum causing inflammation. The feeling isn't uncommon though, see here:
If there are no visible signs of anything, no itching, and no pain, no blood, no stool colour changes/consistency, no changes to the skin around the anus (i.e. everything is otherwise normal)- then I would be tempted to try a hemorrhoid suppository or two, and if no improvement go back to your GI in a week or two.

Your GI may not be able to see/feel internal hemms with a digital exam - so could be missing them. If it continues you could perhaps ask for a rigid sigmoidoscopy - which is a closer look inside the anus. Based on what you've said it doesn't sound like worms or anything as I would expect itching.

Key thing is if it doesn't go away, then go back to your Doc. Doesn't sound serious to me, but don't ignore it.

Good luck, LemonMan
Aug 14: Anal Abscess diagnosed
Dec 15: Anterior Anal Fissure diagnosed
Jan 16: Anoheal - Thought was healed end of Jan
Apr 16: Anoheal - Thought was healed end of May
Sep 16: Fissure back. Started Anoheal again
May 17: Botox and banding - fingers crossed
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