Fully Healed,but still feeling something

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Fully Healed,but still feeling something

Postby randyyang » 26 Aug 2016, 04:07

Finally, back from the last doctor appointment, this time she said my Fissure is fully healed.
but I still can feel some discomfort from the scar tissue in that area, she said it's normal and should be subside, but it take time just be patient. Today during bm I felt a little sting/ rough scraping when the stool is passing by. is anyone here fully healed experienced this? how long does it takes for the scar tissue feels normal again? also I developed an external hemorroid last month, it's not thrombosed one, it just pops up every time i have BM, then shrinks in 5-10 minutes after BM,,, docs said it just swollen veins it should subside in couple of weeks, no need for the surgery.

I can't thank enough for this website, it gives me so much hope during the worst time. I had many retear and thought i will never healed. but doc said i did, here's what I eat for the last four months:
I think I'll keep this diet for a long time,, for those who fully healed, how long did you keep the strict diet before you can eat normal again like used too without retear yourself?
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Re: Fully Healed,but still feeling something

Postby Canadabum » 26 Aug 2016, 15:06

yes...i had the same experience

i was told that i was healed...but still felt scraping, scratching, awareness, discomfort....i think in my case it was both from the scar tissue and a papilla. these days i dont feel much (every so often i have a sensation)...even after i healed i would have some very very minor blood from time to time...again, i think it was my papilla.

it took months...4-6, for me to have fewer and fewer sensations

awesome news -- so happy for you!!

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Re: Fully Healed,but still feeling something

Postby randyyang » 27 Aug 2016, 00:50

Thank You so much Canadabum for sticking around, you gave me so much hope during the worst time,
i guess fissure could cause some other troubles even healed like mine, i developed a non-thrombosed hemorroid :(
your case is papilla. as for the blood, doc told me it might be some mini tear/retear caused by hemorroid/papilla but it's nothing like fissure, it would heal up soon. I keep what i am doing, see where it leads me.

best luck for you too
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Re: Fully Healed,but still feeling something

Postby positivesun » 09 Oct 2016, 01:11

Hey Randdy

Has your situation improved at all? I am in the same boat.

I am 8 months since my original incident. Doctors said I have been healed for over 3 months now. I still feel the irritation and sensations.
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Re: Fully Healed,but still feeling something

Postby Myitzu » 09 Oct 2016, 15:35

I am in same boat, doctor told me that I have healed since July but I can feel sensation after BM and I am still using Nitro cream for good blood circulation and Miralax as well.
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Re: Fully Healed,but still feeling something

Postby mamafizz » 25 Oct 2016, 13:21

I am trying to heal, with nitro but just saw Surgeon yesterday after 4 months of agony and he cant see the fissure probably too far up but def have spasms or tightness all of the time and burning and aching when nitro wears off. Incredibly painful condition. In bed most of the time. praying constantly. He told me I can use the ntiro 3 times a day instead and try for another 2 weeks, using it 2 times a day for about 6 weeks now already, possibly slight improvment regarding the spasms intensity. Praying to heal before trying the botox or surgery. I know this can be cured, just would love to heal NOW cannot tell if it is improving or not? So hard to tell? How can you tell?
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