Airline travel with nitroglycerin?

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Airline travel with nitroglycerin?

Postby ouchmybum » 01 Sep 2017, 09:30

I am taking a family vacation next week, and we will be flying. I got an rx for nitroglycerin, and I'm super worried about dealing with the TSA now.

On our last family vacation, my 7yo was pulled out during airport screening for having traces of nitroglycerin due to a soap. I can't imagine having the stuff in a body cavity, setting the alarm off, telling them that it's in my bum, then having to have a cavity search. The pain would literally kill me.

Nifedipine isn't as effective for me. The doctor used the nitro cream in the office, and it was the first time in months that I'd had 100% relief, even if it was just for a few hours.

Should I just drive? Have you had issues with the TSA?
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Re: Airline travel with nitroglycerin?

Postby patience_and_healing » 06 Sep 2017, 12:01

I had the same concern when I was carrying the nitro ointment on an international flight. I made sure to put it in a clean ziplock, carried my prescription along and hoped for the best. I was also careful not to get any residue on my bags. I didn't have any issues despite the stringent security when returning to the US.
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