Surgery information (LIS)

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Surgery information (LIS)

Postby Jessjess » 11 Feb 2013, 21:38

Hello all, I had a fissurectomy and LIS a week ago and I received instructions for aftercare. I noticed that some people get this surgery and are not given any written instructions so i hope this helps. The first part for medications is what I take and it will vary slightly from person to person.
1. Medications- painkillers and fiber products
My meds (this will differ per person)
Oxycodone-Acetominophen 5-325 (generic for Percoset)- Take as soon as ANY discomfort or returning sensation is felt. Take 1 or 2 as needed every 4 hours.
Continue with stool softeners (100 mg 3x/day)
Miralax- 1 dose/day
Continue with Aleve/Motrin (same as 800 mg ibuprofen) (these meds can be taken with the painkiller). No acetominophen or Tylenol as this is already in the painkiller.
2. Use an ice pack for the first night after surgery. A hot tub bath may still be taken the night of surgery and may be taken 4-6 times a day beginning the day after surgery as needed for comfort. These baths will help especially after a bowel movement. Baths should last about 20 minutes. Epsom salts or other additives are not necessary. Remove your surgical dressing during your first bath if any dressing is present.
3. If difficulty emptying your bladder occurs, sit in a hot tub of water for 5-10 minutes, then empty your bladder in the tub. After surgery, minimize liquids until you urinate for the first time.
4. Drainage of pus-like material and blood will occur after surgery and is normal. Use cotton or gauze at your anal opening to protect your skin and clothes. If prolonged or profuse bleeding occurs, call the office at once.
5. Discomfort with bowel movements following rectal surgery is common. A bowel movement at least every other day will hasten your recovery. If you have had no BM by 2 days after surgery, take 2 tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia. If no BM occurs within 12 hours, take 1 bottle of Citrate of Magnesia.
6. Use moist toilet paper or Tucks pads to clean after a BM and take a tub bath or shower if possible.
7. Eat a regular diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. DO NOT eat only soups or liquids. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
8. After rectal surgery, avoid strenuous exercise or heavy activity for at least 1 week. Other activities such as driving, climbing stairs, and walking may be done in moderation. Use common sense and listen to what your body tells you. Do not use "doughnut" rings to sit on.
9. Call the office if fever of more than 101F, worsening pain, or if you have questions about your progress.
10. Avoid aspirin or products which contain aspirin to reduce the risk of bleeding.
Hope this helps!
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