I just ripped up my fissure cause I ate too much fiber HELP!

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I just ripped up my fissure cause I ate too much fiber HELP!

Postby berzerker5220 » 13 Aug 2019, 18:53

Ooh god I feel like I would be better of dead. Been dealing with this fissure for 6 months now and the past 2 days I ate 5 table spoon of chia seed a day along with peanuts, I drank tons of water however I still became constipated.

It came out huge and hard and I had to strain immensely to get it out.

Now I am in unbelievable amount of pain, its so bad lidocaine infused GTN paste is doing nothing.

I always have constipation every day no matter what I eat and no matter how much water I drink.

The stool actually had a long cut into it and blood on that particular part, as though some sort of bump has developed in my anus. Perhaps a pile of some sort?

I don't have a gun unfortunately, otherwise I could end this misery right now :(
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Re: I just ripped up my fissure cause I ate too much fiber H

Postby Thorgrim » 13 Aug 2019, 19:42

You seem like you are having a really tough time, when fissures get bad enough and last long enough everyone gets desperate. Chia seeds and peanuts are probably the worst thing you could eat for a fissure other than maybe a 24 oz steak, Chia seeds sucks all the water out of you and gel into a lump combine that with peanuts and you are asking for trouble. I think the best thing for fissure are foods that have a good balance of soluble and insoluble fiber- things like red potatoes with the skins, apples, broccoli, oatmeal, cooked carrots, and prunes. Aim to get 30-38 grams of fiber a day of both kinds of fiber. Eat easier to digest foods like white rice, when my fissure was active I used to eat a mixture of white rice and quinoa cooked together with zuchini and turkey and it seem to come out okay. More fiber is not better just get enough and make sure you get enough salt and potassium in your diet- potatoes are a good source of potasium, however bananas might not be the best food for a fissure because then tend to slow digestion down. I did all of this and ate a perfect diet, used creams, and stool softeners, and still had to get LIS, but eating these foods will at least make your life more livable.
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Re: I just ripped up my fissure cause I ate too much fiber H

Postby berzerker5220 » 13 Aug 2019, 20:27

Thank you so much I will follow your guideline. I had no idea chia seeds were so deadly!!!!!

I will go out tomorrow and get the foods you recommended.
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Re: I just ripped up my fissure cause I ate too much fiber H

Postby hurtinend » 20 Aug 2019, 14:16

Chia require a lot of water, otherwise they can bulk up and dry up

5 tablespoons is way too much....everything in moderation

I recommend soaking 1 tbsp flax and 1 tbsp chia seed in a mixture of juice and plain yogurt. Let it sit overnight and eat for breakfast. Follow it with a big glass of liquid.
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