Too much fiber

Irritating hems

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Too much fiber

Postby tightybehind » 19 Dec 2016, 11:25

How much fiber is too much? Since I've had the fissure, I've been focused on getting enough fiber and water. I was already eating lots of veggies, so the fiber doesn't make me gassy. Now I'm wondering if the fiber is bulking up my stool too much, causing the BM to be too large and hard to pass, which irritate my hems worse than my fissure which only hurts during BM. Hems hurt all day for 6-8 hours after BM.

I put my food into and it turns out I got around 43 grams of fiber from foods alone yesterday, not including the tablespoon of citrucel I take after lunch.

Should I cut the fiber back to around 25 grams? Or eliminate the citrucel? I'm so scared of getting constipated, which is what caused this bloody thing to retear in the first place.
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Re: Too much fiber

Postby Daisy » 09 Jan 2017, 02:50

Yes, you might be overdoing it. Especially since your anal tissues sound pretty tender. You only need around 30 grams, so I'd cut back, but not cut out. Also, check into Benefiber, which lacks the acidity found in Citrucel, and might be less iritating. Have you talked to your doctor, or have you tried Miralax? Works in a different way without bulking up the stool.
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Re: Too much fiber

Postby tightybehind » 09 Jan 2017, 09:26

Thank you Daisy. I cut back after I posted this to around 25-30 grams and saw an immediate difference. I was also finally able to see a CRS who prescribed nifedipine which worked for me. All was well for about two weeks. I must have gotten too comfortable as we were running around doing stuff this Saturday, we went out to dinner and I even had two glasses of wine. Then the next day, a retear and the pain back in full force. I think the issue was I didn't get enough water that day and the wine didn't help. Otherwise, I've been drinking a gallon a day and had even started up my gym routine again. Now I'm laying in bed on a heating pad just trying to stay comfortable.
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Re: Too much fiber

Postby Daisy » 10 Jan 2017, 22:49

Yeah, it's when we're feeling good that we tend to slip up and ignore the routine we took to get that way So sorry you're having a rough time. Be careful with the gym routine --avoid any lifting exercises or stretching exercises that might stress the muscles or tissues in the region. I've found really gentle yoga --especially floor yoga where I'm mostly working on breath and relaxation to be quite beneficial. Hope you get better soon!
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