Australia. Nifedipine ointment

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Australia. Nifedipine ointment

Postby VVV » 14 Sep 2020, 07:50

After another awful constipation :poop: and followed AF tear :affraid: I booked an appointment with my GP to get referral to a colorectal surgeon. Enough is enough I thought, time to get it fixed after 25 years..
GP gave me referral to the surgeon but also a prescription to make Nifedipine/Lidocaine Ointment. It's not available in Australia so I had to find a compound pharmacist. So, got 30g for $46 or so and what I can say... this stuff is amazing. I was using Rectogestic for 3-4 weeks before that with close to nothing result (actually, that was the 3rd time I was using it but previous experience was much better) but Nifedipine ointment relaxed the muscle on the 2nd day! :cheers:
I also taking 0.5-1 satchel of Movicol per day because I read that constipation is a known side effect of taking Nifedipine. Looks like visit to CRS is postponed again.. :confused:
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